18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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I like to think of myself as a “MASTER CHEF”, able and willing to produce the finest fare in my house. My kids would not agree with this attestant, but then again — why trust their opinions over mine?

Yesterday Mrs. Fly and I worked really hard to cook everything and season the food the way we have always seasoned our Thanksgiving meals since the beginning of time. But, at least from my vantage point, it all came out rather drab and sub-par. I don’t even know what happened and how it happened but even my AWARD WINNING brown gravy came out terrible. I was served a giant Turkey leg, as if I were some sort of barbaric fool — and it tasted SUB-PAR, dry even. The homemade CRANNED BERRY was mid; and even the god damned mashed potatoes were dry and lacking flavor. I know my wife tends to UNDER-BUTTER them and it showed.

Where was I when this all happened? I cannot remember.

I will say, however, my gains are pretty good today, +60bps. It is NOT a consolation prize, as I want a do-over for Thanksgiving, a chance to make it better and enjoy the flavors of the season.

At any rate, I am all in bullish here but will modify this approach into the close and most likely toss a hedge on the barbie. It’s worth noting today’s breakout in the small caps is fughazi and should not be trusted.

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