18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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In my previous post I said the anti-NATO comments coming from Zelensky were encouraging for him to save face and come to terms with Russia. Well, you can scratch all of that and prepare for scorched earth, since it seems the US is going to allow NATO nations donate planes to Ukraine. Since Ukraine has limited places they could store/take off from, it would seem entirely possible a country like Poland might give them permission to use their airfields. Yesterday Russia said that was their redline.

Poland may provide Ukraine with MiG-29 fighters and Su-25 attack aircraft and receive F-16 fighters in exchange from the U.S., The Wall Street Journal reported, citing sources in the U.S. administration

Russia’s Defense Ministry says countries which use their airfields to supply Ukraine with fighter jets may be regarded as participants in the conflict


American Express suspends all operations in Russia and Belarus

Italy seizes more than $150 million in yachts and villas from wealthy Russians

Without question, the entire world has canceled Russia, aside from using their oil. But do not be too harsh on nations for not canceling Russian oil — for if they did the price would spike to $200 and everyone would suffer.

If we’re being honest here, the ground is being prepared for war against Russia. According to all social media reports, the Russian military is an entire clown-show and the Ukrainians are easily destroying them, yet at the same time quietly giving up land to these bozos in Javelin targets. So it seems we can easily take on Russia and we could easily subjugate them, all the while turning the entire Ukraine into a living hell hole where millions will eventually die. This is the clay “the west” has chosen to sacrifice in order to preserve democracy and prevent Russian aggression.

Be on guard for Russian mass mobilization next followed by conscription in the west in order fight against evil. Your sons might die on ancestral Russian soil — but find solace in knowing he did so for such a great cause — the preservation of democracy and the end of Putin — le tyrant of our time.

PS: your sons will likely receive the COVID-19 vaccines during his stay in the army.

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  1. purdy

    Don’t worry young male potential draftees. Remember, gender is a choice.

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  2. juice

    There won’t be any sons dying on Russian soil. Most will die in their homelands. The Russians will simply send their biggest and baddest missiles, ICBMs and fry us on the spot. Most won’t even see THE END coming, but yeah, let’s escalate this fucker and ride a self-made ship of dynamite into the sun.

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    • roguewave

      Our Star Wars Dome* will stop all ICBM’s.
      *Brought to you by the same guys who couldn’t stop a guy, with a cellphone, in a cave, halfway around the world, from taking over eastern US airspace for hours.

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  3. roguewave

    Seems quite positive for extraordinary inflation and “defensive implement suppliers!
    Henceforth, guns will be known as “defensive implements”.
    Hey, did you get your concealed home defensive implement permit yet?

    Looks like “they’re” going to push things to the max & show Putin! Alrighty then. Enlist!
    I don’t know, somehow, someway, things may not work out as planned.
    And what is the plan?: same as Afghanistan: dive in, see what happens

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  4. dchanko

    Damm – so pornhub is leaving the Russian market , there goes the best content providers

    Its an outrage I tell you, what s with this dem libtards taking away my Friday night entertainment with the fake blondes.. an outrage i tell you an outrage.


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