18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,552 Blog Posts


The Great Commodity Super Cycle is upon you Sir. The danger to the upside is most extreme and do not be FOOLED into false hopes of Ukrainian victory over Russia. There is a 0% chance Russia will lose. It might take 2 weeks or 2 years — but rest assured, Ukraine will be under Russian auxiliary control and with it Pax Americana.

While we cancel Russia on Twitter and Facebook, Russia is canceling our space rockets and access to food and energy, which is causing pricing to mega spike. On news of escalation, WTI is +12 to $127 and all other commodities under the sun are mooning. Expect more of the same until relations are normalized and/or American elites permit capitalism to profit from this spike vis a vie producing more oil. In order to drill more, the EPA needs to fuck off and pipelines need to be permitted to exist, whether or not they endanger turtles in the process.

NASDAQ FUTS are -250 and VIX is +5%.

“The Fly” is of course positioned for this eventuality and shall be minting more coin inside Stocklabs tomorrow. Join now or continue to fall under the yoke of stupidity and suffer the consequences of your amateurish approach to capital markets.

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  1. tradercaddy

    I went by a gas station on Saturday AM and it was $3.79 (I am in Florida).
    I went by it again on the way back about an hour later and the sign said $3.99.
    Just this last week I had 5 different people asking the usual questions about my electric car. When I bought it two years ago many were skeptical and a couple of them even said “Why would I want to buy one of those?”
    It’s the Boomer generation, I guess.

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    • metalleg

      Why would I buy one of those? Do you think the cost of electricity won’t get touched in a raging inflation scenario?

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    • the_wolf

      What electric do you drive ?

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  2. duuude


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  3. cll

    What’s the point of holding a black woman hostage in Russia? To get more black women out to vote bigly?

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  4. the_wolf

    Oilman still

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  5. roguewave

    Personal assets are at risk of mostly arbitrary confiscation in most countries, including US – no due process.

    Saturday nite 1+ hr somewhat rambling interview (Armstrong)

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  6. 'merica

    What if Putin is content with stringing this war out as long as the west continues to fight it? Ukraine would be destroyed. Either putin installs a “neutral” government or destroys the country, that’s a win in his book. You can believe his talk about being a man of the people, the 300+ ethnic groups of Russia, he truly does care so much that he is willing to kill thousands of his own kind. What an honest man, blaming neo-nazis for the reason for him doing this. And making sure to call out a couple thousand Indians and Chinese who were “trapped” by the nazis from leaving Ukraine. I mean come on. You guys seriously believe this guy is the better of two evils?


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    • 'merica

      Straight from his mouth, the guy is a worse liar than bill clinton.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler
      Mr. Cain Thaler

      My man, when a great many evils are fighting each other, you don’t have to involve yourself at all.

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  7. purdy

    I’m guessing that the people (idiots or traitors?) running the US have already destroyed the dollar and our prospects for remaining a great power. But there’s a proposal for a ceasefire and a way to at least lessen how motivated the ROW is to divorce themselves from the dollar, SWIFT …us. Will the people who brought us to this point …the people who installed The Big Guy …allow a move towards sanity?

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