18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,552 Blog Posts


Hello Sirs —

It should please you to know I made 1.06% in today’s train wreck of a tape, thru a variety of longs and shorts — all commodity oriented. See, I am an Ag Man now — a gentleman about the farm surveying his field workers while wearing a nice tweed suit and pocket watch. I see the war is raging and rumors that Russia is about to institute a NATIONWIDE DRAFT of 20 million men, so I figured before I die — I could make a great sum of money off this.

The entire Russian Federation is being attacked severely and without an exit ramp. There is only one way out and it is forward, gentleman.

DO NOT BE FOOLED by talks to peace. None of that will come to fruition. The plan is, and has always been, war.

I could prattle on about my stock predictions — but you’d be better off just clicking the link here (Stocklabs) and joining for a month and see how we trade in the Pelican Room and if its suits your needs. WARNING: it is not for the faint of heart and you will be offended.

I haven’t had coffee in the past two days, since I decided to test myself again and it has resulted in a pounding headache. If my fucking head thinks I will cave in and sip some Joe — it has another thing coming to it.

At the end of the day, we’re all just trains passing each other in the night. Try to make the best of your time here and have fun.


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  1. metalleg

    I like how you see through the bullshit.

    A rare breed indeed.

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  2. whataboutthetwinkie

    The lines keep getting blurred more every day.
    It seems like its just a matter of time before the west gets involved in the fighting.

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    • tha pirate

      Yes whatabouthetwinkie, but REMEMBER, for the DEMs starting WW3 is insignificant next to the importance of making sure they don’t get slaughtered in the Mid-Term elections which they were 100% on track to do before this pointless ‘crisis’. That’s why this won’t end – because Brandon and the Dems LOVE this shit, because as long as we’re talking about the ‘heroes of ukraine’ and the ‘evil Russians’ we are NOT talking about the things 2 weeks ago (paper mask mandates, runaway inflation, supply chain crisis, Mexican open border, Faucci, the truth about the Trump-Russia Hillary hoax, Burisma, the impending insane Iran ‘deal’, the election of broken water mains and ‘found’ mail-in vote counts in the middle of the night, the out of control crime in our cities etc etc…

      No the Dems do NOT want this war stopped, they want to pour gasoline on the flames.

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  3. si eclectus

    An easy way to stop drinking coffee without the headaches is to reduce the amount you drink by about 1/4 cup every 3-4 days. You can replace with same amount of decaf if you like the taste.

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  4. Mr. Cain Thaler
    Mr. Cain Thaler


    Of course neocons aren’t afraid of nuclear war, Fly. It’s that old thing about fallout and cockroaches.

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  5. tradercaddy

    Like Now.
    AH went from up 200+ DJIA points to down 400+ in futures lickity split.
    Gold spiked huge.
    Apparently Europe’s largest nuclear plant is on fire from Russian attack.
    So says Marketwatch headlines.
    Yikes (if true).

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    • flea

      You forgot that every morning around the US open, retailers waken and shout: MOAR!

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  6. cll

    “The entire Russian Federation is being attacked” sounds like “War of Northern Aggression” and bin Laden calling Americans the “real” terrorists.

    The post-truth era is full of strange fascinations.

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  7. 'merica

    I don’t know what’s going on here. On the one hand, it would make sense to let putin destroy shit for the world to see. Put a stain of the russians for another generation. But perhaps we simply have no nuts, possibly due to covid? Maybe putin really does want to rebuild the russian empire. If that’s the case, he’s going to at some point take lithuania, then latvia, estonia and finland. Does that sound realistic? I mean if that’s the case we need to unload everything on him. Knuckle up.

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    • metalleg

      If you believe the opposite of everything you see on the TeeVee news, you’ll be closer to the truth.

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  8. 'merica

    But yes, we crash soon.

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  9. purdy

    Smart to get off of coffee now instead of waiting for growers to stop sending us coffee beans in exchange for our fiat …I admire such proactivity. Happily, spring is near. You and the family can watch for chicory outcroppings when you’re out collecting dandelion greens for supper.

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