18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Midday Leaders and Laggards

Healthcare is leading and financials lagging. Notice the data on bottom of column titled “VD”. That is our volume delta metric and it says volume overall is -25% today.

The biggest individual industry movers are in nuclear and solar, followed by electric vehicles and cannabis. Basically, heavily shorted stocks are squeezing higher, as hedges are removed to accommodate a market suddenly in an upswing.

Does this mean the war is over yet? It hasn’t even begun lads. Be patient and soon the fires will burn hot and bright.

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  1. dontpanic26

    Please tell me that is your desk.

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  2. og

    Fed said calm the hell down with your 5-7 rate hikes nonsense.

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  3. irma vep

    People are really listening to Biden about electric vehiculars, I forget who was pushing nuclear. You see solar ads everywhere, And they really want to get high apparently.

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