18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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The 3:30 Ramp Has Failed; BEHOLD To Be Introduced to the Slide

In spite of the fact that our good friend, Ramp Capital LLC, has dedicated his life’s work towards the purchase of SPY contracts between the minutes of 3:30-4pm, every single day, one only has to gaze into the mirror to know that this is a plan forged in an asylum, destined for failure.

No Ramp

While some of us traverse handicap ramps, hoping to sneak into the DMV before 4pm, others are Captain’s of gigantic arks, festooned with zebra, giraffe and other African wild-life, even humans!

Ladies and gentlemen, the ramp that you so slavishly adored, caressed like a retarded monkey on its death-bed, has been shattered to pieces by marauding bandits, globalists who’d love to see your investment banking gig ‘transcend’ into a 9-5 at Walmart. All of your monies are theirs, thrust into digital accounts by which interest is drawn from and not granted. It’s an Orwellian nightmare come true, a cashless society of transvestite, gunless, cowards, protesting for freedom to urinate in gender neutral lavatories, whilst every God given freedom, every decent thing about mankind, is left in ruins.

BEHOLD, the catamite economy, as you transfix yourselves into a state of abhorrent intoxication, destined for extinction.

Happy Friday!

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  1. paradox

    Where is the mea culpa to the readers who have been calling bs on the fed ever raising rates in June, July, (or any other time in the near future). Their “hawkish” bs is never anything more than stuffing the musket full of shorts in order to squeeze them. That’s why markets go up with hawkish comments now, as well as why it goes up with dovish comments, and up with good data, and up with bad data. Everyone knows it’s all just prattle, and that until the revolutionaries throw everyone out of their mansions that the fed will have a permanent bid under this market above any other priority. No doubt by the time the US declares its debt to be ‘unconstitutional’ (ala Puerto Rico today) it will be Dow 60,000 by then.

    and yes, I know I sound like some zerohedger now…

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    • Dr. Fly

      The SPY is up 3% for the year. TLT is up 10%.


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    • it is showtime
      it is showtime

      i think youre misreading a few things,
      the drive on short targeting, the
      inducement of market bid,
      other connected agendas
      but whatever

      You say zerohedger like it’s a bad thing (MU HUA HUAHUA HUA HA)

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  2. Caffeinated

    Well, on that bombshell… (extra Top Gear)

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  3. RampCapitalLLC

    Stay thirsty my friends

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    • billiejones


      How long has this 3:30 ramp been going on? In other words, is there a year that this all started? Thanks.

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      • RampCapitalLLC

        The Ramp has been alive since the dawn of civilization. Pre dating the Bible and the great Pyramids. A gift brought down from aliens.

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  4. moneybagz

    Magnum opus, this last sentence is gold “It’s an Orwellian nightmare come true, a cashless society of transvestite, gunless, cowards, protesting for freedom to urinate in gender neutral lavatories, whilst every God given freedom, every decent thing about mankind, is left in ruins.” Bravo Dr., Bravo

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  5. kdogg1787

    That is what you call, “descriptive writing.” And the Fly has quite the knack for it. Well done fine Sir.

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  6. trumpmeister

    Up massive gain from buying the dip since Feb. There will be a time when the buying the dip strategy is a failed mentality for bagholders. I’m staying either in cash or TLT starting next week.

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