18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Democrats= less freedom.


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  1. sven

    How about the dipshit Trump supporters that pepper sprayed Hispanic protesters in San Diego just this week? Oh no, that shit doesn’t matter, because “Libruls hate ‘Merica and TRUMP”! How you continue to cheer on that blonde-quaffed troglodyte is beyond me.

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    • it is showtime

      We have the 2 highest unfavorable candidates in modern era. The argument cancels itself out. H by any standard should have been disqualified and may still be. The Donald while espousing conspiracy-truth and nationalism really should not actually be president. But I don’t care… I just want: chaos…

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    • UncleBuccs

      Sven – That was a kindred sharing of hot sauce. How dare you besmirch their generosity!!

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    • Dr. Fly

      The trump instances vs anti trump is like 100-1

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      • linmoo

        Apparently sucker punches, private security manhandling reporters, and indiscriminate pepper spray all count as 1. Get real.

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        • chuck bennett


          You are from another planet.

          Planted of excuses and hateful ideology

          You give an example of one thing and attempt to justify another. Shameless. Your character is most likely that of men who spit and assault people in wheel chairs.

          That’s right I almost forgot , they did that. Lol

          Hilary is an accomplished liar, she doesn’t need you try to give her cover. Anyone can see through the nonsense. Go educate yourself on what the stupid sever thing is about. She willingly used her own, she knew it was illegal.


          Chuck Bennett

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    • joyous__ending

      Sure that matters I don’t like Trump supporters who use pepper spray or coward Hispanics who punch people in the back of the head.

      By the way I am voting for Trump, and plan to attended a few rallies during the general election campaign, I’ll fight any of you anti-Trump folks.
      Let’s go right now! C’mon I know many of you have seen footage of the days in North Ireland, England soccer, fascist Spain, Ukraine or other rat hole where people fight at elections and you say “Damn that looks like fun. Why can’t we have that in America?”
      Well this is it boys, our chance to fight in the streets.
      This is America’s Political Fight Club. May the best side win.
      Bring it on!

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  2. s.k.

    What kind of nonsense bullshit is this?

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    • Dr. Fly


      Show us one instance of pro Trump supporters shutting down a city or a Hillary speech and I will show you 100 of the opposite.

      For the most part, your brand of politics and comportment is of a savage type. You will never be part of the history of man, as you’re too busy trying to burn it down.


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      • linmoo

        Who is the anti-establishment candidate? Trump is the literal embodiment of the ‘fuck it all’ cynicism rife in the lower middle class of white men, those that want to denigrate any American of (recent) immigrant heritage, take back exported jobs fit for labor camps, torture terrorist suspects AND their families all while reciting the farcical mantra of “Make America Great Again”. Trump knows exactly how to sell his bucket of turds to the plebeian class desperate to point the finger at anyone else deemed responsible for their trailer trash lives.

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      • michael

        Linmoo – so you’d rather have the incompetence of Hillary, miss ‘arab spring’ who has made the world a much more dangerous place? Hillary, who openly laughed and mocked the news of Muammar Gaddafi, a world leader?

        Wow. Trump wants regulated LEGAL immigration, he’s not denigrating any immigrant.

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      • linmoo

        Dude, you’re not paying attention. He just spent all week bashing a Federal judge born in Indiana as ‘Mexican’ because he has Hispanic heritage and therefore has a ‘conflict of interest’ in his Trump U case. He wants to stop Muslims from immigrating entirely, which is un-fucking-constitutional, and throws suspicion on any current and LEGAL Muslim immigrants. To say he is not denigrating immigrants is incredibly obtuse. If you support Trump, you have to own it by now.

        But I suppose if you think Hillary is solely responsible for the Arab Spring, then you must be locked in some right-wing news bubble already.

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  3. t.c.

    Socialism, so exciting and looking like Venezuela already. We are moving from a country of people who work, to a country of people to receive social services from the government. What could go wrong?

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  4. cost_of_cash

    haha, stupid idiot got what she had coming. What was she thinking standing in front of that frenzied crowd with her trailer park trash grin

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  5. chuck bennett


    You so right. Next time I slap your mom in the face for looking at people stupid. I will give her a kick in the V just for you.


    Chuck Bennett

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  6. Dr. Fly

    The problem with 50% of you is that you’re unable to see past the democratic logo on the front page with the title FASCISM affixed to it. You believe your party cares about you?

    You must be joking.

    Am I an republican?

    Absolutely not.

    They’re the same, both fascists. The only difference is the democrat protesters are very savage, uneducated and mainly supported by a government controlled media.

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    • aformalcat

      The fuck? Fox news anyone?

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    • michael

      Well said Fly.

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    • stockslueth

      I believe you are right, they are really one in the same organization. They both take their directives from K Street.

      Look up the definition of fascism and I think you’ll be surprised how well it fits.

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  7. chuck bennett


    Nah. She is racist, so it would work

    She loves the Anglo American.


    Chuck Bennett

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  8. ironbird

    God bless Senor Fly. And Mr Chuck Bennett and others as well. You good ones know who you are. For the rest. Good job sunshine you proved your worth. So touchy for the holy. lol They are literally ready to bite like animals.

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  9. Dr. Fly

    I’m not an angel. I know some great men who are democrats. I get along with democrats just fine. I suppose it was the blogger in me to associate this video with democrats. These people will vote democrat, but do not represent the vast majority of ordinary democrat people.

    This became a pissing match, once again, with names and labels being tossed around. The point was to show how fascism is alive and well in America today. That woman is someone’s daughter, wife, mother. It isn’t right to spit and throw eggs on her because she has a trump shirt on. If a woman punched me in the face, I wouldn’t strike her. That’s how I was raised. These savages are the barbarians inside the gates. I want stronger gates, and taller ones.

    Keep saying to yourself that Hillary is gonna makes things great. She’s the embodiment, the essence of corruptness, incompetence, cronyism, part of a system who literally hates you. Say all you want about Trump. They don’t like him, which means I do.,

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    • ottnott

      Strongest correlate I’ve found for Trump support is Google searches for the n-word.
      Nate Silver

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    • ottnott

      You can ask just one simple question to find out whether someone likes Donald Trump more than Hillary Clinton: Is Barack Obama a Muslim? If they are white and the answer is yes, 89 percent of the time that person will have a higher opinion of Trump than Clinton.

      That’s more accurate than asking people if it’s harder to move up the income ladder than it was for their parents (54 percent), whether they oppose trade deals (66 percent), or if they think the economy is worse now than last year (81 percent). It’s even more accurate than asking them if they are Republican (87 percent).

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      • chuck bennett


        You cares what his religion is? Liars figure and figures lie.

        Has nothing to do with anything. I know many people who are non white who are voting Trump.

        In NYC their is a black church who are all in. The whole church buddy. Also, they are not Obama fans either.

        Are the googling the N word as well?

        You kids are a tired bunch. You need a hug for sure.


        Chuck Bennett

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      • ottnott

        You know, there is a cute saying about anecdotes out there, in case you want something to toss into your next collection of random notions.

        Sorry to hear of your data phobia. I hope Fly gets no sads from your implications about Exodus.

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      • heaterman

        You ott to know that Ezra Klein (founder of Vox) just suspended one of his editors for advocating riots, protests and other un American behavior at the recent Trump rally in San Jose’.
        Yes the liberal left is sooooo tolerant…as long as you accept and believe everything they say and do.

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      • frog

        Heaterman, you are pointing out a single instance, which got the person suspended. If that were typical of the Left, then Ezra Klein would have thanked him, not suspended him.

        There are a lot more instances of intolerance on the Right than the Left. This is obvious to everyone who is not religiously Right Wing

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  10. jonny

    As a non American (no Mexico), it is unfathomable to me and others, that from a population of 320 million people, this is the choice you are left with? Donald Trump is going to be a catastrophe as president (he will win). His version of a “great America” appears to be one where Hispanics, blacks and women all know their place. The world is looking on aghast at what is happening in America. As for Hilary, the man is right. She should be in prison.

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    • chuck bennett


      You must believe in the monster in your closet as well.
      That’s nonsense, you must know it.

      Please purchase yourself a clue. I would gladly donate $$ to you for that.


      Chuck Bennett

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      • metalleg

        There are many uninformed people who believe they are well informed. They are not necessarily unsophisticated or lacking of intellect but rather they choose to get their “news” from headlines and the controlled liberal media.

        Then there are the true morons you see in this video who have no sense of morals or ethics and the only way to deal with this class of savage will be to deport, jail, or kill them.

        There is no moral ground with this class so it will be kill or be killed. Even the cops did nothing to help this poor woman.

        If this continues on the current trajectory, there will be a response by the Trump supporters who are also supporters of the 2nd Amendment.

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      • frog

        Well, you can more plausibly say: There are many uninformed people who believe they are well informed. They are not necessarily unsophisticated or lacking of intellect but rather they choose to get their “news” from headlines and the controlled Right Wing echo chamber media.

        If you ever check facts, you will see that Fox News and other Right Wing media lie far far more often than liberal media do.

        But of course facts do not matter to today’s voters.

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      • frog

        Everyone assumes that their own political tribe has the facts and the other tribe is lying. But very few people check the facts.

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  11. peso trader

    it’s amazing most of you have no problem with the IRS targeting and auditing groups with different political views or an administration that stalls and destroys evidence for incidents like the mass death of seal team six.Do you know even today families can’t get basic answers from that event. Most conservatives have no problem with foreigners making a life in the U.S., but an open border that allows thousands to enter each week? We don’t have the money to for that, are you ready to sacrifice tax dollars to support that?

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    • frog

      So you are a conservative? So does that mean that you approve of every single thing that’s every been done by a conservative or Republican government? George Bush’s invasion of Iraq, for example.

      But, as I said elsewhere on this page, if liberals are your Out Group, then every bad action by anyone liberal will be interpreted as typical of all liberals. But if your own tribe does something bad, you think there’s a perfectly benevolent reason why, or else you think that the bad behavior is totally non-typical of your own tribe’s members.

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      • frog

        Bernie is not for open borders. I support Bernie and he is certainly a liberal.

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  12. stockslueth

    I thought you made a good point about knowing their place. Their place should be Mexico if they are not legal residents. Otherwise, why should we have immigration laws at all? Green cards are expensive to obtain and there’s all this legal and bureaucratic red tape to deal with. That could all be eliminated if we swept away these laws.

    Anyone who encourages enforcement is immediately labeled a racist. Maybe they are, I have no idea. In general, lax enforcement has been encouraged to help reduce labor costs and increase economic activity in the form of goods and services. Illegal immigration has some negatives like violent gang activity, higher demand for social services, lower wages among low income wage earners, etc.

    In the past immigrant populations integrated with the indigenous population. It’s happening to some extent but that process is being hindered by laws that encourage non-native languages to flourish. Language separates segments of the population from one another and unintended consequences may result. I guess we are at the point where we have to decide to leave things as they are or change course.

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    • scottbot

      Ah, the old Schrodinger’s immigrant who is simultaneously stealing our jobs while loafing around on (nonexistent) food stamps.

      I understand many people are angry and feeling helpless. Robots are stealing their jobs and economic policies of the last 30 years have ensured the rich get all the money. That was under both parties. The world is changing and some people don’t like that and they’re scared, and scared people are desperate people. Getting bogged down in red vs. blue is just part of the manipulation game.

      What will each of us do today to make the world a better place?

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      • chuck bennett

        Scott so smug and smart. Do you come up with your own ideas? When was the last time that happen? When was the last time someone willingly had sex with you that wasn’t due to a contractual obligation or you paying for it?

        What do you know about food stamps ? They don’t exist? Is that because you never seen one or because they are put in a credit card via an EBT card?

        Old dirty bastard, RIP, did it best on MTV. Walk into the benefits office and collected his. Was brilliant and summed it all up. People forget these types of things or just refuse to acknowledge it . Clearly he didn’t need the food stamps, but he the millionaire could get.

        People are afraid of robots you say? I don’t think you’re being honest with yourself.


        Chuck Bennett.

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      • frog

        >What will each of us do today to make the world a better place?

        That’s too hard. Bashing each other is much easier, and much more in tune with our current culture.

        Sounds like you want to be nonpartisan, but no one can totally do that, unless they just don’t vote, which keeps the status quo going, so that isn’t nonpartisan either.

        You should get out of the house more. It’s not just robots that take jobs that would otherwise go to American citizens. There are construction jobs and other kinds of jobs given to illegal immigrants.

        Why do you think Congress does nothing about illegal immigration, even after having railed against it in order to get elected? It’s because many of their donors are companies who hire illegal immigrants, pay them substandard wages, have them live in substandard housing or tents or something, and have them work in substandard working conditions. As long as they’re here illegally, they don’t complain.

        I support Bernie, who is not for open borders and wants trade agreements to take the needs of American workers into account, not just the needs of multi-national companies that donate to Congress members.

        You are correct that illegal immigrants are not receiving food stamps, although their children may be, if they were born in the U.S.

        Even though no one cares about facts any more, here are the facts on that issue from poitifact.com:


        “most social welfare programs bar illegal immigrants from receiving benefits and require proof of immigration status. That includes food stamps, as well as cash welfare assistance, Medicaid, and even the new health care law.

        “It’s true that some children of illegal immigrants qualify for benefits if they were born in the United States and are citizens. (Critics derisively call them “anchor babies.”) But there aren’t nearly enough of those types of children — an estimated 4 million — to account for 43 percent of food stamp recipients.”

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  13. kdog

    What a pending disaster we have in America. It’s like a former champion “anything” not accepting his fate as he gets older. Republican or Democrat are the same. Trump or Hillary? Really? We deserve what we get. I still love this country I live in but I don’t like the direction we are going in. People are slowly losing their minds.

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    • sethster99

      yep. This country is fucked either way. I won’t be voting for president this year, because I don’t want to feel responsible for whoever wins and puts the final nail in the coffin of this country.

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      • ottnott

        Ass-on-couch patriotism.

        Thank you for your service.

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      • frog

        The kind of propaganda that is perhaps the most successful is the kind that gets people so disgusted with government that they do not vote. And the government bashing propaganda is all over the place 24/7/365. The great thing about just hating government, rather than trying to improve it, get the Big Money out of politics etc. is that you don’t have to life a finger, or get your ass off of the couch, as you noted, Ottnott.

        The Worst Voter Turnout in 72 Years


        Who benefits from this? Just ask yourself what party dominates both houses of Congress, most state legislatures, and most state governorships. That’s who’s benefited. The don’t-vote propaganda has worked like a charm.

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  14. joshua

    The internet sure has made everyone an expert. You no longer have to think for yourself. You can think whatever you want and confirm your bias with the Internet ( or traditional media). The people selling you the bs they likely don’t believe in themselves, are happy to oblige. Some of the smartest people I know (and read) say/believe some of the dumbest garbage.

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    • frog

      Yes, the Internet made everyone an expert and the media– both on and off the Internet– made everyone angry.

      Let’s keep bashing and hating each other. It’s good for the economy– at least the media sector of the economy.

      Anger is a business
      Many news outlets’ business models now depend on stoking anger. This exacerbates the political system’s polarization and dysfunction.


      Politics is very tribal right now. In Group virtue is Out Group vice. If my tribe does something, there’s a perfectly benevolent reason why. If your tribe does exactly the same thing, no conspiracy theory is too ridiculous or convoluted to explain the depth of evil in their actions. If anyone from my group is violent or lies, well that person must be the only one in my group doing that. If anyone from my Out Group is violent or lies, well just see how completely corrupt, untrustworthy etc. that Out Group is.

      People either choose their news media according to the tribe they identify with. Or else they watch/read/listen to all of it but they assume that the only one telling the truth is the news media preferred by the tribe they identify with

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  15. joshua

    The believing brain is an excellent book on the subject. It should be handed out to Fox News and msnbc viewers.

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  16. heaterman

    Fly’s opening equation is correct.
    People who call themselves Liberals are without doubt the most intolerant group walking the face of the earth.
    On top of that, they have lost the ability to think, reason and project the end result of actions taken. The logic of San Jose’s liberal mayor blaming Trump for the violence of anti Trump demonstrators is an absolutely CLASSIC example of the liberal mindset. There is no logic, there is no sense and there is no truth which cannot be bent or twisted to portray something other than what it really is.
    Read what I am talking about here and pay attention to the mayors statement about the violence.

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    • frog

      As I said, if liberals are your Out Group, then every bad action by anyone liberal will be interpreted as typical of all liberals.

      “People who call themselves Liberals are without doubt the most intolerant group walking the face of the earth.”

      Hardly. Turn on Fox News some time

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    • ottnott

      San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo released the following statement about the violence that occurred after the Donald Trump rally Thursday night at the convention center:

      “San Jose police officers performed admirably and professionally to contain acts of violence and protect individuals’ rights to assemble, protest and express their political views. While it’s a sad statement about our political discourse that Mr. Trump has focused on stirring antagonism instead of offering real solutions to our nation’s challenges, there is absolutely no place for violence against people who are simply exercising their rights to participate in the political process.”

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  17. frog

    Everyone is 100% sure that their own tribe is telling the truth and the other one is lying. But how many people ever check out statements, using politifact or some other fact checking site with a good reputation, like I did to find out that illegal immigrants can not get food stamps. Very very few.

    I guess that’s because humans are so tribal. It’s a lot more important for a human to identify with whatever they think is the right tribe, than to know what the truth is.

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    • moosh

      Dude, what is with you and tribes? We get it, your tribe rules (very peacefully ha) with your tribe think….Now zapp back into reality and start thinking for yourself.

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      • frog

        Politics is tribal. That’s just reality.

        What do you mean, “start thinking for yourself”? People who say that usually want me to start thinking like they think– believing the “news sources” they believe– without checking the statements of those “news sources” to see if they are lying or telling the truth.

        Almost no one knows anything about thinking for themselves in the U.S. today. When is the last time you checked a statement about politics on politifact, or some other fact checker site with a good reputation?

        How else would you think for yourself? For example, how do you come up with your opinion on Syria? Have you been to Syria, so you could experience the place and make up your own mind?

        Of course not. You decide to believe something you have read somewhere about Syria. How do you know it’s true? You don’t. You simply trust whoever you read or heard it from, as if they would never lie, and as if those who say the opposite can not be trusted. But perhaps it is your own trusted source, your own political tribe’s “news source” that lies and does not really give you any news at all.

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      • moosh

        Thinking for yourself is just that….there is no outside influences, like politics, which are a religion for some. Like going for a walk in the woods ,without a phone and not thinking back about 200 or so years and about different countries.

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  18. frog

    Last night Bill Maher said:
    “Older people think that socialism is capitalism’s enemy. Younger people think that socialism is capitalism’s replacement. They’re both wrong. Socialism is capitalism’s lap band. It prevents it from eating everything.”

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  19. Dr. Fly

    Bill Maher is my favorite liberal. Do you know why? Because he’s actually a liberal and not a fascist Bernie crazed flame thrower.

    Two things

    1. The Mexican judge presiding over trump U is a racist, and member of La Raza, also a Hillary donator.

    2. The Clinton foundation is a fraud

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    • ottnott

      Regarding the first, I’ll let a conservative debunk that crap :
      What they are attempting to do is associate Curiel with the National Council of La Raza, the radical left-wing and pro-illegal-immigration group that has gained significant notoriety in the news over the years as a group that is both anti-American and open to fomenting violent pro-immigration protests.

      Curiel, however, has no affiliation with this group whatsoever. He is a member of La Raza Lawyers of California – aka the Latino Bar Association of California. They have absolutely no affiliation with National Council of La Raza. As far as I can tell, they appear to be a pretty garden variety special interest lawyers association. Every state has these chapters for Hispanic lawyers, black lawyers, women lawyers, Mormon lawyers, Christian lawyers, Jewish lawyers – you name it, there is a lawyer association for it in every state. They have meetings, everyone comes and eat lunch together, and they serve pretty much exclusively the function of networking, which is the lifeblood of legal business generation.

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      • chuck bennett

        National council of la raza and lawyers are the same. They support each other 100 percent

        As a matter of fact NCLR is demanding DJT to apologize. It’s on their website.

        Either I’m missing something or you are way in the field of excuses and naivety

        Also, to be a critic of a judge, president , senator, policeman, is OUR right and civic duty. What country do you think you’re in buddy?

        Whoever thinks people should go to jail for accusing a judge for something should move to China or Saudi Arabia where that shit happens.

        We have bad judges in the US of A. It’s a fact, we the people speak up when injustice is caused. I really don’t what to say about this. Our school system must really be worse than I thought if you clowns don’t know this.


        Chuck Bennett

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      • ottnott

        National council of la raza and lawyers are the same.

        Different legal entities, different bylaws, different missions, different leadership, different geographical coverage, different targeted membership. Different.

        Whoever thinks people should go to jail for accusing a judge for something should move to China or Saudi Arabia where that shit happens.

        Tell that to somebody expressing or defending that thought. I’m not a clearinghouse for all your complaints about the world.

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    • ottnott

      Regarding the second, your assertion is too vaporous to evaluate.

      What is the nature of the fraud that you think you see in the Clinton Foundation?

      So help me dog, you will deserve to have your internet access taken away from you if come back with something that ignores the difference between a grantmaking charity and an operating charity.

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      • chuck bennett


        Let me give you one example.

        If you are acting as the Secretary of State for the USA and are collecting money for your charity , I’m pretty sure that’s illegal and 100 percent sure not moral.

        There are about 5 other things but I’m not doing all the home work for you


        Chuck Bennett

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      • ottnott

        Let me give you one example.

        Chuck, try to stay on topic for at least a sentence. Fly mentioned fraud. I asked him to explain what fraud he thought was involved. The activity mentioned in your comment includes none of the elements that comprise fraud.

        If you are acting as the Secretary of State for the USA and are collecting money for your charity , I’m pretty sure that’s illegal

        Get back to me when you show both of these things:
        1) Hillary Clinton collected money for the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State
        2) It was illegal to collect money for the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State

        Your “pretty sure” is pretty worthless.

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        • chuck bennett


          Only thing worthless is a government for sale.

          Collecting money for yourself while you are on the job representing we the people is fraud against us.

          What did she tell them she could do for this money?

          This is why the emails are gone and she used her own server. As a point of fact, after 2011 it was illegal to do this but she did it anyway.

          Take care


          Chuck Bennett

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      • ottnott

        Collecting money for yourself while you are on the job representing we the people is fraud against us.

        If you say that enough times, will the magic evidence fairy appear?

        1. No, that would not be fraud. You and Fly both have thrown that word at the Clinton Foundation without offering a description of any activity that would be fraud even if the Foundation had engaged in that activity. Lame.

        2. You have again failed to provide evidence that that Clinton collected money for the foundation while she was Secretary of State. Lame.

        3. The Foundation’s tax returns show that the money going to the Foundation is not going to Hillary. In support of your claim, you offer…nothing. Lame.

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    • one-eighty

      1: For a presidential candidate to state that a sitting judge is biased is pretty much unacceptable, but for that same candidate to use his position to try and influence a decision that involves himself is so far over the line that it is fucking incredible. Have you people completely lost your minds? What that guy is doing is illegal, unconstitutional and worthy of jail time. This is contempt of court times 100.

      2: Most foundations are rackets to avoid paying taxes. My sister, who is a retired teacher has one for Gods sake. For orphan dogs or something.

      Hillary would be an ass kicking president. Donald would be a figurehead who would let someone else who actually knows what they are doing run the country. Dick Cheney maybe.

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      • ottnott

        Ex-Texas official: Trump U probe dropped due to politics
        Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi briefly considered joining a multi-state suit against Trump U. Three days after Bondi’s spokeswoman was quoted in local media reports as saying her office was investigating, Trump’s family foundation made a $25,000 contribution to a political fundraising committee supporting Bondi’s re-election campaign.

        Bondi, a Republican, soon dropped her investigation, citing insufficient grounds to proceed.

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      • moneybagz

        @ott and @180 since when did judges become above the law? Scary world to not question them. Based on your logic a Judge from Irish descent member of an affiliated group or the IRA would have bias presiding over a case about St. Patrick’s day? You are living in some alternate reality made in your minds where people especially judges have 0 bias, we are all flawed.

        Clinton donated 3 million and change to charities in 2014 3 million went to her own charity the one that fly’s her around the country. The same charity that has 20+ people on the board making $180k per annum for what? CEO made 500k again for what? That’s more than 10x the avg median income for a family.

        Accept your flaws and own bias it’s what makes us human.

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      • Dr. Fly

        Ugh, so disappointing.

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      • ottnott

        moneybagz wrote:
        @ott and @180 since when did judges become above the law?

        Why is this addressed to me? I’ve made no claim of that sort.

        The same charity that has 20+ people on the board making $180k per annum for what?

        Again, why is this addressed to me? If you want a discussion about the governance of a major international operating foundation, and about the market rate for the duties and qualifications of its board members, find someone else.

        The Clinton Foundation website shows only 10 people on its Board of Directors, by the way.

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  20. heaterman

    How does this woman garner devotion bordering on spiritual level fervor?
    What is described in the article below is basically “love at first sight” between Huma Abedin and HRC. Are they both lesbo’s?


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    • frog

      An extraordinarily biased article against Hillary, accusing her of things that are more typical of Donald than of her.

      As if Trump doesn’t inspire expressions of reverence and absolute loyalty from people.

      As for lying, politifact.com looked at statements that are mostly false or worse than that. The percentage of mostly false statements from Hillary and Donald are
      Hillary 29%
      Donald 76%


      Not that anyone is interested in facts or fact checking.

      I know it must be upsetting when some other people very much like a politician whom you hate. But it’s no big deal really. Happens all the time.

      Candidates that you and people in your group/tribe/party don’t like are usually not evil incarnate. Nor are those candidates’ supporters.

      There have been some times in the past that were as partisan as what we have now. And there have been other times when people could see that different people have different views on what policies are most constructive for the U.S. And they didn’t have to bash the other candidates or their supporters.

      There were times when people knew that politicians sometimes lie or get things wrong. And people actually discussed the possible merits of different policies, rather than bashing each other. And it was great.

      Yes, I do want to make America great again. Feel the Bern.

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      • chuck bennett


        Clinton works for the USA directly and indirectly for the last 30 years.

        Trump worked for himself and bought these clowns for money during that time.

        She lied about the poor bastards in Libya. Disrespecting the dead and their families.

        just a taste.


        Chuck Bennett

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  21. chuck bennett


    I like Bernie, however I don’t think he is tough enough to do it. Also, socialism rarely works if not never in a capitalistic and growing country.

    In a homogeneous country perhaps yes. But not ours, we are not all the same. There will be winners and losers, we don’t not wanna pay the bills for someone else’s family or family that is own the way from Mexico, Italy, China or where ever they are from.


    Chuck Bennett

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  22. frog

    Bernie wouldn’t make the U.S. economy entirely socialistic. He would just pull us slightly to the Left– especially when you consider that even if the Dems got a majority in both Houses of Congress– which is unlikely– Bernie would still be to the Left of the average Congress member. So Congress wouldn’t allow him to go totally socialist, even if he wanted to. With Bernie as pres, we would probably still be a Right Wing country, just not so far to the Right as we are now.

    Bernie is not for open borders. He is for controlling immigration.

    And lately, immigration doesn’t appear to be increasing. It may even be decreasing.

    Fact-checking immigration

    As far as paying for other people, if we had a higher minimum wage, as Bernie wants, we would no longer be subsidizing e.g. Wal-Mart, with our tax dollars. Right now, Wal-Mart pays employees so little that tons of them are eligible for food stamps, Medicaid etc.– which is all paid for by us taxpayers.

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  23. frog

    Regarding charges that Clinton lied to the Benghazi families:

    What did Hillary Clinton tell the families of people who lost their lives in Benghazi?


    There simply is not enough concrete information in the public domain for Rubio or anyone to claim as fact that Clinton did or did not lie to the Benghazi families.

    I know that certain “news sources” that many people trust, claim that Hillary Clinton is lying– every time she opens her mouth. But they usually do so without having any evidence that this is so.

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  24. btn

    Frog said it best “Politics is tribal. That’s just reality.” This is the root of the problem with politics, and is amplified by the fact that we have only two major political parties (at least with more parties, there would be more shared PoVs). Some people are so ingrained into their political religion of choice that it si impossible to convince them that anything one of their High Priest saying could possibly be wrong.

    The whole birther movement is a good example. Some people would rather beleive that the Republican Party and other powerful conservatives with near limitless resources were unable to find evidence that Obama was not born in Hawaii rather than believe that such eveidence never existed in the first place.

    In other words, given the current system, I certainly understand why some intelligent and non-racist people may agree with Trump’s main messages. What I don’t understand is why intelligent people beleive that *Trump* agree’s with his own message, given the completely self-centered, hypocritical, manipulative way Trump has always conducted himself.

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    • frog

      All is fair in love and war. And politics is both. Besides being quite tribal, voters are like teenagers who want to believe what someone says because that person looks good to them. As the song the Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel says
      “a man hears what he wants to hear
      And disregards the rest.”

      Both Houses of Congress, most governorships, and most state legislatures are now dominated by the party that loves to tell people “We’re going to lower your taxes AND lower the federal deficit at the same time.” Voters didn’t vote them in because they did a logical analysis of that statement, or because they checked to see whether that had ever worked before or not. The voters voted for those candidates because this was what they wanted to hear. Have your cake and eat it too policies like this are wildly popular.

      One additional factor for some folks here is that they are in the finance industry. And people don’t come home from work. Or maybe their bodies do, but their minds are still at work, with respect to their belief systems. In the finance business, making money is just about everything. A billionaire is who you want to become, whom you are always looking up to, whom everyone in your work tribe looks up to. A billionaire appears to most people, especially to people in the finance industry, to be perfect, wise, super competent at everything– even about some subject he knows nothing about. Finance people think that God is lower in status than billionaires or hundred millionaires. Or perhaps such people are their gods.

      And it’s not hard for someone who has the reputation of being very wealthy to fool people. Look at Madoff. Some people claim that Trump is not really a billionaire. But he has the reputation for being one, and for most folks that is enough.,

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