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Trump Goes Apeshit Over Colorado Steal, Says System is Rigged

I’ve gotten over these elections. I’ve come to grips with the indelible facts, for the millionth time during my life, that my opinion means nothing, as well as my vote. All that I can do to allay the brutishness of it all is to express scorn and deride the mockery that we call democracy. These trolls keep citing so called laws that were put in place, which negate common sense and decency. Last I checked, the democratic process should count the votes of all men, as a right, not just a select few ham and eggers who are bought and sold by the establishment elite.

These elections are a great success for one reason only: it is laying bare the corruptness and illegitimacy of a system that praises itself as being fair and equitable. I believe the Sanders-Trump candidacies, if anything, have awoken the masses to these grave injustices.

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  1. fryguy15

    I want to be a fucking delegate, god damn it! Where do I sign up?!

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  2. ironbird

    That Ark is looking better and better. All hell is going to break loose come both “conventions”. All sides look to be imploding.

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  3. moneyteam

    I don’t have much faith in anything changing tho… It’ll be forgotten in less than a year and a half

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    • ironbird

      No way. Even Seniors have had enough. Personally do not care. But most do.

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  4. dcolella15

    well said Fly.

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  5. og

    But Clinton does have the most votes and delegates…

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  6. juice

    exactly … the fly speaks for me as well

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  7. longview

    That’s a seriously weird process in Colorado, but don’t imagine Mr. Trump would be crying if he’d won it. That he didn’t get on top of this before it was a done deal calls his super-competence into question.

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  8. frog

    In a bought and paid for corporatocracy like the U.S. is, that is the very reason most laws are put in place– to “negate common sense and decency” in order to give mega-corporations a big return on their investments in government through political donations.

    Voters are indeed finally getting tired of this. Add up all the Bernie voters plus all the Trump voters, and that’s how many people are tired of this. It sure took us long enough. But better late than never.

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  9. t.c.

    It’s not shocking that the pot-heads in Colorado got high and decided to steal something. That is the nature of a drug addled mind if I recall (although recalling is difficult for some reason.)

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  10. moosh

    I bet lateboarders of the ark are going to want to throw overboard my great view of a gigantic fresh water aquarium and inhabitants, for their silly heavy shiny metals.

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  11. btn

    Just to take the other side for arguements sake: the Democratic and Republican parties are private organizations, so they can choose candidate any way they feel like. While it may be morally corrupt, there is nothing even a little bit unconstitutional or illegal about choosing a candidate and ignoring primary voters. Even if they diobeyed they own bylaws (which is doesn’t seem like they are doing), it still woudl not be a crime.

    The real problem is the two-party system in itself. Perhaps the inevitable fracturign of the Republican party into Trump and Never-Trump wings is what we really need to get rid of the two-party system. It’s ironic that it was the Conservative (Tea Party) that really started us on this road.

    The more I think about it, the more I like this situation for the long-term prosperity of the country:

    Step 1
    Hillary vs Trump vs Establishment Republican Candidate (running as an independant, if necessary)

    Step 2
    Hillary: 269 electoral votes
    Trump: 200 electoral votes
    ERC: 71 electoral votes -> President, as voted by the House of Rs

    Step 3
    Now the non-establishment Democrats will feel the rage that their right-wing counterparts
    have. The Ds and Rs BOTH lose net seats in the 2018 elections, as other parties become more powerful.

    Cosidering that the Tea Party is a de fecto 3rd party and an Independant is running strong to lead the Ds, the process is well under way.

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    • moosh

      I’ve been out of the political spectrum for a while, but what in the heck happened to libertarian party?

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      • btn

        They are still there, but they have greatly weakened. The internal party schisms can boil down to the corporatocracy (establishment) vs the people, and the Libertarians fall mostly in the establishment camp with their disregard for regulations (EPA, labor dept, etc.). Of course, they are against corporate handouts and the WS bailout, so they straddle the middle.

        When you boild down to it though, corporations will quickly gain the upper hand in a purely libertarian economy through monopolies and oilgopolies (pricing power). Also, while a true libertarian society would have corporations pay for environmental or other damages through litigation, the reality is that larger, more expensive law teasm will almost always win. That is why I would place Libertarians more on the side of corporations vs indivduals. Big goverenment is a necessary evil to counterbalance the power of multinational corporations.

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      • moosh

        @btn. Thank you for giving your thoughts.

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      • frog

        btn, definitely the Libertarians are almost all on the side of the corporatocrcacy. Who are the most powerful Libertarians of all? Why Charles and David Koch, of course.

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      • btn

        moosh, no thanks needed. You will rarely find a person on Earth that doesn’t like giving their thoughts. You think Fly started this blog to make money?

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  12. moosh

    Dr. Fly, gifts were bestowed today in financials today. It twas a fantastic setup.

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