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Cramer: Ignore Bernie Sanders; Look For Possible Upside to Earnings

In this clip, Cramer dismisses the ‘protest’ candidacy of B. Sanders, likening it to a joke compared to the business friendly Hillary campaign. Moreover, he doesn’t think Sanders stands a chance, especially since the superdelegates will hand Hillary the win, in what Cramer calls a ‘coronation’, as opposed to the advertised ‘nomination.’

Taking a contrarian viewpoint to what has been hitherto a castigation of earnings expectations for the first quarter of 2016, James Cramer cites a marked improvement in the Chinese indices, as well as the dry fucking bulk index, as evidence that doom might not be the prescribed analysis needed heading into earnings.

He sees upside, when everyone else is expecting black flags and carcasses strewn out across the investment landscape.

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  1. moosh

    Maybe I caught all of MSCNBC contrarians or whatever on Friday but they were saying maybe bad news is baked into earnings as well. They didn’t go into laighable detail as to why, like the Cramer had all weekend to do though.

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  2. btn

    Well, you don’t get ratings by being right most of the time, you get ratings by not following the crowd and being right some of the time.

    As for Sanders v Hillary, just because Sanders will not liekly win, does not mean that he hasn’t won’t influence Hilalry’s final policies. I very much doubt that Sander’s supporters will back Hillary without specific concessions.

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  3. ironbird

    We have seen this horseshit for years. The fix will buy the earnings no matter what they are. Then claim NIRP a success. Just like all the other QE horseshit. Donkey show. Or not.

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    • btn

      “A great quarter by Wells Fargo. They were expected to lose $5B, but only lost $1B.”

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  4. frog

    Ignore Bernie Sanders? Well, I’ll just ignore Cramer instead.

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