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The Ark Has Been Launched Out to Sea

Need I remind you of the storm that is brewing? Like a fine cup of French Roast brew, the scents are strong, but the substance is weak.

For all of the talk of doom casting its web over the markets, everything about the market has been orderly. This decline, although disheartening, isn’t evoking fear into the hearts of bulls.

Yet, all the while, and inexorably so, the ark rises.


Financials are paving the path towards hardship today, as investors finally realize that the banks are a giant waste of time.


Risk on, risk off. We hear that moronic phrase all the time. The truth is appreciably more dire, as you’re being spoonfed to believe. The manipulation of the markets have saved 2016 so far. But the vast majority of the gains were found in the very worst sectors, like oil.

If you believe oil continues higher through the summer, you might as well stay long. But if you believe prices are bound to stabilize, you’re gonna want to take up that last seat next to the aardvarks on the ark, for anything less than $60 crude equals doom for the industry in 2017–which will start getting discounted into the markets around May the 1st.

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  1. the dude

    Sold TLT today. Bought TBT for a brief reversion. Will be back on the ark soon.

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  2. Marc David

    Fly – You still doing the French Press?

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