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Death By Victory: The Republican Party Has Trumploaded

Put your bias aside for a moment. Forget about the man, the legend, the myth: Donald J. Trump. You’re going to remember this election for the rest of your pathetic lives. Now some of you are so sensitive to read or hear of opposing viewpoints that you literally go out of your way to email me to stop blogging about Trump. I envision many of you having conniption fits, seizing up, at the sight of a pro-Trump article. But let me remind you, these are indeud very interesting times. It’s important that I be permitted to freely vent about it, else I will harbor great and innumerable resentments and disdain towards you for trying to restrict my free speech. Indulge me, if you would be so kind.

I take exception to your fascist ways.

At any rate, the greatest part of this election isn’t the specter of H. Clinton being convicted and jailed on the same day of her eventual inauguration. It isn’t the fact that some old communist NYC pretzel and knish stand vendor is taking the Clinton war machine on and beating it. It isn’t the fact that Ted Cruz look and acts like a villain and has been dubbed Lyin’ Ted by someone who has perfected the art of sophistry. It isn’t the fact that a one time hard-nosed Congressman, who was renowned for being an asshole, is now as gentle as Mr. Rogers–clamoring and begging to unite the American people behind his mediocrity.

The unique aspect of this election is the total and complete destruction of the checkered pant’d party called the GOP.

It is, without question, finished.

I’ve never seen such rage towards a front runner in an election, have you? Some of these conservative talk show hosts, like Mark Levin, are parroting the talking points of the MSNBC, CNN, NPR liberally programmed robots, to attack Trump like rabid jackals around endless bowls of berries and grass. Moreover and without question, the republican establishment hates Trump more than Hillary and Bernie combined. As a matter of fact, I am sure if Hillary and Bernie combined to form a giant puffy faced female communist robot, whose sole mission was to destroy millionaires and billionaires, the country club’d comeovers at the RNC would prefer that to Trump.

He is their albatross. His is their greatest fear. He is their end.

Look at some of these conservative sites and the articles they have brandished on their front page. If I were a democrat zealot, like half of you, I’d be laughing my ass off, as the other party literally and figuratively committed suicide in the face of unparalleled victory.

Fox News

Hot Air

National Review
National Review

Weekly Standard
Weekly Standard

Now that’s just a handful of the right wing sites out there. Let’s not mention the daily hit shows by Megyn Kelly and other “right wingers” whose sole purpose on this planet is to stop Trump–because he is Hitler, and Hitler was bad, and should’ve been stopped early on. They’re, essentially, following the same narrative as liberal democrat sites. I suspect the GOP will, in fact, deny Trump the nomination at the convention, at which point he will walk out, with his supporters, and either run for President under an independent party of simply say “fuck all of you, I’m rich” and melt away–watching the GOP burn from within. Either way, Trump is the only GOP candidate in the field that can win, like it or not.

Finally, there is a very high likelihood that this internal riff will result in a Hillary win; and subsequently, a very liberal supreme court will be appointed by the end of her first 4 years in office. Once that occurs, I am sure all of the asshole sites above will run editorials about how doomed America is and how evil Hillary is, without ever mentioning the integral part they played in creating her ascension.

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  1. frog

    Just in case anyone cares about the truth of this matter, the economy and the stocked market do better under Democrats. Everyone who invests should be voting for the Dem nominee. I hope that will be Sanders, since he is the least war mongering of all the candidates, and I have a relative in the military.

    They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010 Paperback – June 4, 2012
    by Eric Zuesse


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    • it is showtime

      We are in boombust. Since 99 it is boombust cycle. Avgs dont matter. They will be supercededed

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    • Dr. Fly


      There is only one party. There isn’t a democrat or republican party, only the illusion of them.

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      • probucks


        My friends crucify me for pointing this out. I pay them no mind and let them shuffle off cliffs.

        I’m neither Jesus nor a Jacob and will not waist my life herding sheeple

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      • frog

        There is not as much difference between the 2 parties as I would like. But I do see some differences.

        Both Bernie & Trump are atypical of the parties they are running in. And Bernie has been an Independent forever before his presidential run. And Trump has been a Dem and a Reform Party member in the past. People like them because they are not typical of the parties they are running in.

        So maybe this situation points to people starting a viable third party in the U.S. in the future.

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      • frog

        Does anyone really see Obama as being the same as Bush? I certainly see differences. And I wish there were a lot more differences than there are.

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      • frog

        Some say that the reason the parties seems so similar is that the president we elect is more like a vice president– that the real power is the Deep State. There hasn’t been a president who mistakenly thought he was more powerful than the Deep State since 1963. Things didn’t turn out so well for him.

        The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government – January 5, 2016
        by Mike Lofgren


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    • sweetbillyv

      Bernie’s a disaster. His generous social benefits would be paid by taxing equity derived income at 50%! No educated person can truly call themself educated and a Bernie Sanders supporter in the same sentence. He’s a joke and most his supporters don’t even understand his “policies”.

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      • frog

        Congress wouldn’t approve that tax. Some of us Bernie Sanders supporters understand exactly how government works– and that the result of a Sanders’ presidency would be a small nudge to the Left, which we need to have. Congress makes the laws, not the president.

        We need a better social safety net. We need to spend on infrastructure now while borrowing is cheap, instead of letting it decay further and cost more later.

        And we need to avoid putting one more expensive war after another on the national credit card– which is far more expensive than a bit of expansion of the social safety net.

        It’s the people who vote for war monger candidates and tax cutting candidates who don’t understand how government works. Social benefits like free college would be an investment in our society (if Congress would approve them, which they probably won’t.)

        Unnecessary wars are very expensive. And tax cuts do not pay for themselves, no matter how many times Right Wing candidates repeat that lie. Tax cuts increase the budget deficit. I know everyone believes they can have their cake and eat it too now, because the propaganda has been repeated thousands of times. But they can’t.



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        • sweetbillyv

          Oh please…tired arguments. We spend more on social welfare than we ever have! How in the fuck is that working out????

          People need jobs and that dip shit will take us down a rabbit hole we’ve never seen before.

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        • sweetbillyv

          You also need to check your facts.

          See post tax cuts in the 80s and 2000s and you’ll see tax revenue hit record revenues and we had REAL record low unemployment.

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  2. ironbird

    Tips fucking hat. Gonzo. They are so bitchy. Keep up the good work Senor Fly.

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  3. t.c.

    LOL. I love this post. I am interest to see who Rand Paul endorses tomorrow. My guess is Trump. I love the Kasich video too, what an ass.

    5 reasons to build the wall:

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  4. ironbird

    What if Hillary is Bush 3 tho? That would suck.

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    • probucks

      Hilary is prolly just a fist-term Barack w/ way less charisma and the same gridlocked House & Senate

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      • ironbird

        Dude the beast does not even know. Imagine being the laughing stock of the world. That woman is damaged like any human would be.

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  5. uglyflint

    Rot in hell Rich Lowery fuque ass queer. What the hell happened to Levin ? Savage is the MAN.

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  6. bushwacker2

    Excellent post. GOP is crashing and burning in slo-mo. Idiots.

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  7. UncleBuccs

    If Mrs. Clinton becomes president, who are the frontrunners for the V.P. slot? I don’t see her completing a term.

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  8. Dr. Fly

    You two are ridiculous. I bet you’re the same person have bipolar events on the site in real time.

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    • ironbird

      That is the thing Senor Fly. Thinking this madness will help the kid. lol

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  9. vandamme

    The stocked market does best with a Democratic president but a Republican controlled congress, friendo. There’s a lesson there for you.

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    • freebie

      Which means the market does best when politicians hands are tied. Makes sense to me.

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    • frog

      Please provide a link for that, Vandamme. The book I cited does not just look at economics under Democratic presidents but also Democratic Congresses.

      They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010 Paperback – June 4, 2012
      by Eric Zuesse


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      • Dr. Fly

        it’s a silly argument and simply a case of chance.

        Clinton caught the invention of the internet and dot com boom, for Christ’s sake, while Bush caught the backend of the excesses of the dot com boom and subsequent housing crash.

        Obama caught the recovery.

        Americans sell the bottom and buy the top, simply stated.

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      • btn

        Agreed. Presidents have short term effects on markets (mainly emotional), but it is Congress that moves the needle, and even that it longer term. Everything else is correlation without causation.

        Take a look at Reagan’s vs Obama’s economic numbers (stock market, national debt, unemployment, taxes) and tell me if you can even tell which one is which.

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      • frog

        Obama came into office right at the Great Recession, with world economies on the brink of bankruptcy. So for him to keep things going as well as Reagan did in a far far easier time, is a large accomplishment. You’ve cherry picked a terrible economic time with a Dem pres, and a far far better economic time with a GOP pres. Of course, you don’t see a pronounced difference. If Bush had been able to have a 3rd term, we would have ended up in the 2nd Great Depression.

        But all other things being equal, Dems do better.

        The book I cited DID compare the Congresses by party, not just the presidents by party. And Democratic Congresses do better with the economy.

        They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010 Paperback – June 4, 2012
        by Eric Zuesse


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  10. frog

    Trump and Hillary are definitely the biggest threats to all other candidates now. Trump may be getting bashed more than Hillary now. She has been bashed 24/7/365 for 2 decades now, and I am sure it is wearing on her.

    But Trump is bashed more by his own party than Hillary is. So that sure smells like the Establishment Powers That Be are going to try to keep him from getting the nomination through a brokered convention.

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    • ironbird

      Support Trump or shut up. Even as the child you are you know the truth. Bernie is for those other people. You know it is true. Graduate frog.

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    • Dr. Fly

      Obama did nothing to help the economy. It was Bernanke all the way.

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      • frog

        Obama wanted to do more stimulus but Congress refused to pass it.

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  11. frog

    Here is what one study came up with, on the difference between the 2 parties.

    commonly assume that the American left and right are configured as mirror images to each other, but in fact the two sides exhibit important and underappreciate differences. We argue that the Republican Party is the agent of an ideological movement, while the Democratic Party is best understood as a coalition of social groups.


    Of course, the fact that the parties are constructed differently doesn’t necessarily mean they will act differently when in office. And it certainly doesn’t change how deeply both parties bow to the will of the Deep State.

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  12. frog

    Oops. The link didn’t come out.


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  13. jonny

    “conniption”, nice.

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  14. bexpo

    Great post. The more everybody fights Trump – the more I want him to win the nomination…just to see the will of the people count. A Trump vote is a protest vote & the establishment will not allow that. You are right Fly….this rocket ship explodes during the Republican convention!

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    • traderconfessions

      A lot of people have the same view. Let’s elect Trump and shove it to the Establishment. Ironically very 60’s. But the problem is that after you “shove it” Trump would be the President of The United States.

      Here’s the TRUTH. Donald J. Trump never really wanted to be President. He wanted to play the game, pimp his brand, and then ride back to Trump Tower in a glow of adulation. Same thing he’s been doing the last several election cycles. But he caught lightning in a bottle and now he can’t get out despite every self-destructive comment and action he’s tried. He’s complete;y unprepared for interviews because he hasn’t done his homework. If you plan to cut school you don’t study for the test. In a way I feel bad for the guy. Slowly but surely he will begin to unravel in front of our eyes.

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  15. juice

    spot fuckin on, flea

    Lib-central, the huff’n puff post, has no less than 10 anti-Trump articles on its online front-page every second of every day

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  16. traderconfessions

    Fly.. Trump will lose to Clinton or Sanders in general election by 5-10 points. Can’t win election when 75% of Republican women hate you. Simple math. Just aren’t enough angry white men and frat boys. Kasich would likely win against both if the sedatives he’s on last until November.

    Why the hell did Trump agree to Matthews interview? Matthews toyed with him and then knocked him on his ass. Now that was compelling political theater.

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  17. sweetbillyv

    It’s always the “tolerant, open minded liberals” suppressing free speech. Ever notice that?

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    • frog

      Yes. I noticed that Right Wing propaganda fantasy claim that liberals suppress free speech. It’s bs, of course. None of these media folks who dislike Trump– most of whom are Right Wing themselves– are suggesting a law suppressing free speech. They have their rights to the opinions, right or wrong.

      And it’s the Right Wingers, not the Left, who are trying to get a brokered GOP convention so that the candidate most favored by their party’s voters will not get their nomination.

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      • Dr. Fly

        How do you explain 100% of the anti free speech rallies being done by liberals?

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      • frog

        They’re wrong when they try to stop the free speech of others. But they’re less wrong than the Tea Partiers who wave guns around, take over wildlife refuges, and refuse to pay huge sums of money they owe the federal government for grazing fees.

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      • frog

        According to some sources, those anti-Trump rallies are conducted by paid actors, not by people who are expressing their particular political leanings. I don’t know if that is so.

        But I do know that I have never met a single person here on the West Coast who expressed any interest whatsoever in participating in a demonstration for the purpose of blocking people’s access to a Trump rally. Not one. And almost everyone I meet is liberal. And I am very extroverted, so I meet tons of people.

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      • frog

        Also, Left Wingers never blow up abortion clinics, as Right Wingers do. Definitely the American Left are a less dangerous group of people.

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  18. sweetbillyv

    Trump gets his 1237 and all this speculation is what it is.

    Can he beat Hillary? I have reservations but I’ll take him over her any day of the week.

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  19. macpatton

    Who are candidates for president running on the Peace and Freedom party ticket?

    Lynn Kahn (independent)
    Gloria La Riva (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
    Monica Moorehead (Workers World Party)
    Jill Stein (Green Party) or her representative

    Looks like normal Oakland candidates. Maybe Donald could run with them if he leaves the Republicans. Nah they wouldn’t take him. I wonder what he would call his party… maybe The Republic party.

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  20. btn

    Trump doesn’t have a prayer at becoming President, but there is a way that Hillary loses.

    Hillary has high negative ratings: lots of people hate her. Of course, Trump is similar. That gives a lot of room for a 3rd candidate. No matter the candidate (Trump+Hillary+some other, I assume), this candidate will likely draw votes from both Ds and Rs. As a result, it is possible that Hillary could obtain a plurality, but not a majority and fall short of 270 electoral votes. In this case, it would be up to the newly elected Reps to pick a President and the Senate to pick a VP. We may end up with Hillary as VP and some other Republican (*maybe* Trump, but very unlikely) as President.

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    • hattery

      Interesting scenario.
      Libertarian debate is going to be nationally broadcasted for the first time tonight.
      If there was ever a year where a 3rd party has a chance to get 30%+ of popular vote, or at least get the ball rolling for 2018 congressional election, it’s now…

      Also, if Trump is denied nomination, just wait until 2018 congressional race and 2020 presidential race where you will see a growing political movement against the establishment that will be even more powerful, and the Trump type candidates that ride the wave of disapproval with the status quo.

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      • btn

        Well, I did say 3rd candidate – it may not be a 3rd party. For example, if Trump is not the R’s candidate, it will be Trump as the 3rd man. If Trump is the R’s candidate, then the establsihment may back Kasich or Rubio or someone else mainstream.

        With effectively 2 candidates running, R turnout will be huge, so I don’t see them losing the House. This will createhuge polirical disruption because:
        1) The R party will be severely splintered, with slim hope of reuniting.
        2) The Ds will be up in arms that Hillary receives the most votes and doesn’t become President.

        One thing to note is that this strategy only works if the 3rd candidate actually wins some states (which hasn’t happenned in ~50 years), to block Hillary from 271, just as Kasich is doing with Trump in the R Primary. It would be ironic if Kasic runs as a 3rd party and then wins Ohio as a spoiler again. Of course, Trump is so disliked by independants, the 3rd party candidate would probably have to win more than just Ohio.

        With the R establishment’s dislike of Trump and Hillary so high, they really have nothing to lose (well, except the party’s future, but they are already losing that through demographics). I think that the the Rs may just give it a go.

        It would be epic and history-making if that happenned, just like the the current R primary where establsihmen conservatives are bashing their voter’s choice.

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      • frog

        McAfee will be in the Libertarian debate. Great. Whatever else you may say about that guy, he is entertaining– which is the primary qualification Americans expect in a political candidate, LOL.


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    • frog

      Libertarian debate? Thanks for letting us know. I hadn’t heard about this. Might be interesting.

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  21. pyromonoxide

    When I really think about, “Who would the The Fly endorse during the presidential race?” I would clearly guess Trump, even if just to mine the bombast for satirical gemstones. This election is a mess. How entertaining. I will remember it nostalgically day standing in line at a soup kitchen.

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