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Man Arrested for Not Returning ‘Freddy Got Fingered’ Movie 14 Years Ago

Ok, it’s a slow news day and Freddy Got Fingered is one of my favorite comedies of all time. Some poor southerner was going about his business the other day, until a sun glass wearing officer pulled him over to enforce the laws VHS movie rentals.

A wanted North Carolina man was arrested this week on charges he failed to return a VHS tape to a video store 14 years ago, police said on Thursday.

James Meyers, 37, of Concord, was driving his daughter to school when he was pulled over by police for a broken brake light, according to a video Meyers posted on YouTube on Tuesday.

Meyers said officers ran his driver’s license and told him he had an outstanding arrest warrant for not returning a movie to J&J Video in Salisbury, North Carolina.

“The guy brings me to the back of the car and he goes: ‘Sir, I don’t know how to tell you this, but there’s a warrant out for your arrest from 2002. Apparently you rented a movie, “Freddy Got Fingered” and you never returned it,'” Meyers said in the video, appearing dumbfounded.

The Concord Police Department confirmed the arrest in a statement on Thursday, saying the warrant was issued February 28, 2002 by the now closed video store and signed by a magistrate.

Meyers is scheduled to appear in court April 27, local media reported. Meyers could not be reached for comment on Thursday.

Comedian Tom Green, star of the 2001 film “Freddy Got Fingered,” tweeted on Wednesday night: “I just saw this and I am struggling to believe it is real.”

Tom Green spoke to Meyers and said he’d help with the expenses to levy a vigorous defense.


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  1. tradercaddy

    It could have been worse.
    It could have been a Betamax tape.
    That would require the death penalty.

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  2. stockslueth

    If he finds and returns the tape, I would like to watch it.

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  3. razorsedge

    And hillary will get ?

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  4. matt_bear

    and we’re going to waste tax payer dollars and court cost on this.

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  5. jpmorgains

    “Daddy would you like some sausages”

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