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British Pound Hammered in Worst Drubbing Since 2009

The British pound is down a staggering 2.24% right now, the biggest single day drop since 2009.  This is due to fears that England will leave the EU, which is scheduled for a Greek styled referendum vote on June the 23rd.


“Today’s weakness appears to reflect an increased probability of Brexit after political reaction to the new deal on EU membership was more split than the PM would have hoped,” said Sam Hill, senior UK economist at RBC Capital Markets.

If the pound finishes at its lows for the day, it will be the biggest one-day loss since the Bank of England cut interest rates to 0.5% in 2009 and started its economic stimulus programme known as quantitative easing.

The pound is off by 17% v the dollar over the past 18 months.


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  1. tradercaddy

    The EU is doomed at some point in time, anyway.
    Many of the countries have different values, traditions, languages, etc.
    Mix all of that together with decrees from mind numbing leftist bureaucrats (most who have never had a real job-sound familiar?) centralized in Brussels then it was doomed for failure from the beginning.

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    • moneybagz

      “Different values, traditions, languages etc….” Sounds like a certain group of states that are united…

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