My name is Rob and I'm a gregarious gentleman who travels and blogs. http://stophavingaboringlife.com/
Joined Jan 9, 2014
222 Blog Posts

Nicaraguan Canal & Discotheques


So looks like the canal is moving forward this month according to this article written by the BBC; hooray! Sure lots of environmentalists playing on their new iPhone 6+ will say it shouldn’t be done but throw them into poverty for a few seconds and their tune will change; they are unwashed weirdos anyways.

Also, I got news that on a property not far from mine these gents got permits to build cabins for rent AND a discotheque!? Huh!? At first I was like this is insane this can’t be then I realized wait a second… This is a train that is being run by those who live there and if I don’t like it, I can just jump off at any station aka sell my stake and move on. That said, I’m not.

Who knows what’s good or bad or what’s here to stay? What I love about foreign investment is that anything can happen and you need the right mindset for it. You can’t think how people should develop their area because you’re not from it. In the history of the spot you’re merely a visitor who has been there for a sliver of a short nano-second and in the long run if you left nobody would care or remember you.

Everywhere will develop the way it should and if you can’t handle it don’t get involved. I’m dying in Ottawa, what a wretched place to live. I am glad to be back as I love my family dearly and I’m on a 32″ screen which is sensational. That said, this is a great reminder of why I left and the more I travel the more I realize that on a global scale Canada is like say Norway, Finland or Sweden… Cool spots to visit but so far removed from the action it’s almost laughable.

I’m itching to get down to Nicaragua but biding my time and waiting for some kite surfing equipment to arrive at Grandma’s house in Boston. Apart from that going on a four day ski trip near Quebec City on Monday I think; that should be cool.

Tips hat,

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