My name is Rob and I'm a gregarious gentleman who travels and blogs. http://stophavingaboringlife.com/
Joined Jan 9, 2014
222 Blog Posts

The Mission to Miami, Florida



I write this form my apartment at Peppers Broadbeach where I’ve been the last week on the Gold Coast; this evening was egregious in the way of when you roll into a hand with a full house and play it hard with a straight face. Roll through the motions and crush your opponent on the river; whatever that means.

Tomorrow at 8am aka in 9 hours I’m getting picked up by the fine people at Limoso Limousines and I’m making my way to Brisbane International Airport to catch a lift to Los Angeles which only takes 12 hours. From there, I’m on a mission to Miami and I’ll stay there for 3 days before heading to Managua.

The plan was to load up on gear for the island  and such but I walked into K-Mart today and loaded up like you wouldn’t believe; bought stupid amounts for stupid amounts minus stupid.

I also met a nice lady to enjoy the late afternoon with while being social in the checkout; life can be great when you’re willing to throw yourself out there and wave the flag of momentary vulnerability.

Little Corn is my new home and I have plans to build a Caribbean Compound overlooking the reef. I need a place where I can grill lobster in peace and gather my thoughts but also rent out when I’m not around which is basically all the time.

While in Miami, I’m doing nothing but hitting up Red Steakhouse for a SHABL business meeting with one of my solid associates.

I’ve been in Australia for two weeks but I’m a fan; Australia is sick and I’ll be back.

This photo at the top is from the Penthouse in Tower 2 towards Surfers Paradise.

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  1. djmarcus

    love the posts — enjoy miami (where i am originally from)…. the weather should be pretty great around now.

    how are you planning all these travels? seems like a lot of hopping around randomly?

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    • dubz

      So far so good, in South Beach now and loving it.

      I don’t really plan, I just cruise around and get lots of invites from locations to come visit. I was working way from Buenos Aires to Managua when I got the invite to Queensland, Australia.

      Going to spend ~2 months on the islands before heading to Europe for a month then coming back.

      That said, who knows what will happen!?

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  2. ironbird

    Australia may be a great place but how does one rationalize the raping of the poor thru sin taxes? What about the kids of drinkers and smokers? This is very market based. What does a kid get for dinner when the aussie way is 100$ compared to 20$ US? Seems evil on this end.

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    • ironbird

      25$ cheeseburgers must be next. The bad for you insanity and all.

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    • dubz

      It’s expensive that’s for sure; that said everyone seems to make decent cash per capita like a server gets $17-$25 an hour depending on day and age.

      That said, $23 a pack of smokes is a bit loco.

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