The first hit is always on the house.
Joined Aug 2, 2009
1,847 Blog Posts


I’m convinced that worst case scenario is still up from here. Rally into Fed, rally after Fed. Bears pipe down a bit, especially those shorting every uptick of this move, and you drag the cash hoarders back in at some terrible prices.

Fed funds say the hike is most likely, and the market has had time to adjust accordingly. I prefer this scenario at this point over a non-raise. Especially looking down the road.

I’m not chasing anything up here, but am content to keep day trading for now. Looking for individual stocks that have been non-responsive lately, like $TWTR was coming into today.


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Continued strength into the Fed? Why are we trying to climb a wall of worry here?

For the day, I think we all ought to really ponder what the worst case scenario is here, for everybody. Set your biases and differences aside, even though you are pissed that literally everything is rallying today…and tell me what is the scenario in the next 48 hours that hurts everyone?

I’m still undecided.

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This was the first rally in weeks that I saw pretty much everyone pass over. Not much buying activity into this. If anything, I am being told all of the great prices I could short the market at here.

What would happen if you were given a ten percent correction to buy, but you passed it over?

I would wager that if I polled all of you, none of you would think that this could continue into tomorrow.

Just saying…

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I unloaded $ADXS at $18.85, from our buy at $14 last week.

With the proceeds, I bought $ADRO under $20, and $SGMO for $7.70.

More later,


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Two weeks of September have passed and I anxiously await what lies ahead. Either I perish or make a shit ton of money.

@Sentimenttrader posted this earlier today. Another indication that the public, whom have been patiently awaiting their crash are certainly prepped for it.


I love all time-extremes in any category, but this was certainly the coolest thing I had read today.

How are you prepping for disaster?


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I am leaving a little early today, heading west for the weekend.

Get some rest for next week, for as the volatility has started to compress towards the tail end of these last few weeks, it’s going to pick up again next week.

We’re gearing up for NYC right now, which is right around the corner. Fly gave out my planned presentation topics, and I’d also like some feedback if there is any to offer. Here’s how it’s looking as of now:

  • Understanding Market Dynamics – How to gauge speed, correlations,patterns, and direction.
  • Past Versus Present – 2014 vs 2015…What Did We Learn?
  • Market Rotations – Finding the Next Explosive Move in Stocks
  • Trading through Different Market Conditions – A fast and slow portfolio
  • Trading for a Living – Here’s How We Did It

Come out and spend the weekend with us. As you know, we’re at the Yale club, and the VIP gathering is going to be fantastic. I’m going to teach the above outlined topics because these are insights you can’t afford to trade without. The time we’ll spend at the conference will significantly reduce the learning curve needed to improve your investing efforts. If you have any questions about the conference, please email me directly. [email protected]

Have a great weekend,


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