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JIM ROGERS: Here’s What Would Cause Gold To Dive 40% To 50%

“Commodities guru Jim Rogers said he is not buying gold. In fact, he said he has “hedged himself” since we spoke to him last month.

Rogers said he expects gold prices to fall further and believes they could tumble 40 – 50 percent off their top if India were to stop its gold imports or if Europeans were to sell their gold”

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Bankers Are Monkees (sic)

This was a great analogy given by James Montier via Z.H.

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[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgyZCgw6kdw 450 300]

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Yale’s Stephen Roach: Fed Deserves Some Blame in JPMorgan Fiasco

“The Federal Reserve deserves some blame for the JPMorgan trading snafu currently embroiling the financial sector, says former non-executive chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and Yale professor Stephen S. Roach.

JPMorgan revealed a $2 billion trading loss on a massive hedge operation, fueling fears other banks may be at risk.

The Federal Reserve deserves some blame, Roach says, thanks to its loose monetary policies.

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Former Treasury Chief Rubin: US at Risk of New Crisis, ‘Mega Duress’

“U.S. debts and deficits could likely throw the country into an economic and financial crisis, says Robert Rubin, former Treasury Secretary under President Bill Clinton.

The U.S. consistently runs massive deficits yet efforts to narrow them have often ended in political gridlock.

Most recently, President Barack Obama appointed a bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform to find ways to streamline the country’s bloated public sector.”

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$JPM May Invoke the Return of Glass Steagal

“We at The Small Business Authority believe in free markets. We also believe in less government regulation to more government regulation and we believe that financial institutions should be able to transact on an arm’s length basis and do so in many different markets. The primary caveat to this is when the financial institution uses a government guarantee or a government subsidy, it must therefore be very limited to the amount of risk and financial leverage that it can utilize to earn money.”

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