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Yearly Archives: 2011

Bullish Tone Settles In

US futures are rising. NASDAQ futures are 7 points above fair value, while S&P are up 2.

The dollar is off by 0.15% and commodities are flat.

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Asian Shares Recover, Even Japan

The NIKKEI is down a mere 40 and gains can be found everywhere in Asia, albeit small.

The standout is India, now up around 0.65%.

S&P futs are up 2. Crude is down .57.

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Sell-Side Analysts and Gender: A Comparison of Performance, Behavior, and Career Outcomes

Using a comprehensive sample of investment recommendations from 1994 to 2005, we investigate differences in the performance, behavior, and career outcomes of male and female sell-side analysts. Compared to their male counterparts, we find that the recommendations of female analysts produce similar abnormal returns but significantly lower idiosyncratic risks, which suggest higher information ratios for the recommendations of female analysts. Female analysts also issue significantly less biased recommendations. Further, gender does not seem to negatively influence female analysts’ career outcomes as defined by their star rankings and job mobility among brokerage firms. In fact, being a female analyst seems to increase the likelihood of being listed among the prestigious Institutional Investor stars.

Get article here.

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Japanese Markets Drop as Nuclear Crisis Lingers

The broader Topix is down more than 2% and TEPCO shares are “ask only” at record lows.

For the most part, other Asian markets are shrugging off Japan’s problems with most markets up to little changed.

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Obama Wants Regime Change in Libya

In his speech to the nation regarding Libya, Obama defended his actions, sounding almost exactly like former Preseident GW Bush. He furthered his intent to help Gadhaffi’s opposition in order to see regime change in Libya.

No word about the 1 million displaced in the Ivory Coast, thanks to their brutal civil war. Unlike Ivory Coast, Libya has lots of sweet crude.
Ivory Coast has sweet cocoa.

Sarcasm off.

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