Stock advice in actual English.
Joined Sep 2, 2009
1,224 Blog Posts

Added to AEC

I added a few percent onto my AEC position for $14.84, bringing my cash inside of 20%.

At this stage, it’s a 5% dividend even without further appreciation. I’ve ranted enough about the treatment the stock has received over equity raises and cap-rates – the stock is cheap. I’ll spare you a 6 page diatribe.

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Bought SKUL

I added a 5% position in SKUL for $12.83, taking my cash down to 20%.

Just a trade – I’m not taking losses greater than 10%

Positions: AEC, CLP, CCJ, BAS, SKUL, silver

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Two Quick Things This Morning – Rentals and SKUL

I’ll start with SKUL. I’m thinking of picking a trade here – it’s a company that sells headphones going into the holiday season, and they have a 60% short / float. I’m sure the company is garbage, but I like the idea of a short squeeze.

I’ll end with rentals – I’ve been reading a steady stream of content trying to argue that the rental boom is done. The reasoning here is that a monthly mortgage payment is now about as expensive or in some cases less than monthly rents, in certain areas.

The articles have concluded that this pricing will lead to incentives to take up homeownership over “wasteful” renting – culminating in reduced occupancies and perhaps downward rent pressure.

It’s actually a pretty convincing thesis. I do think, however, they are glossing over one teensy, tiny, little detail…

Where are these people getting mortgages?

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Holy Crap They Figured It Out – Fed Policies Screw Poor People!

This is a day for the history books. A major news network – not Fox News – has finally managed to piece together that Federal Reserve policies displace economic hardship from the wealthy to the poor.

And CNN too, of all the criters.

It only took them 3 years, 9 months, and about 28 days – but they got there.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The Federal Reserve’s most recent stimulus is expected to boost home prices and the stock market, but what if you’re too poor to invest in either?

The Fed unveiled its third round of stimulus last week. The massive bond-buying initiative, called quantitative easing, aims to prop up the economy through a few key channels — namely the housing market and thestock market.

Both of those channels skew in favor of Americans who are already in solid financial standing, and it seems the wealthier you are, the more you have to gain.

“Quantitative easing is a blunt tool and cannot really target specific areas of the economy, aside from mortgage rates. Even then, it tends to help the wealthy spectrum of the income distribution,” said Sung Won Sohn, economics professor at Cal State Channel Islands.

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Let’s Keep Things In Perspective Here

Before we begin, allow me to remind those of you who have memory issues that I’ve been one of the biggest pessimists on the economy for the better part of two years. And before that, I was 150% long on margin. I’m malleable and take positions based on convictions of the moment. I say this because I’d rather not have a first time viewer thinking I’m some sort of uber-bull, any more than I cared for those of you saying I was an uber-bear this time last year while I was shorting the bejesus out of energy.

Now while I don’t like anything about this economy, I know better to get caught betting against markets going into the seasonal uptick. We are going to rally – it’s just going to happen.

First off, remember that every single year after the 2009 collapse, we’ve seen the same pattern of summer doldrums being met with near-depression responses in analysts, financial journalists and market commentators. This always follows by jubilation when winter seasonality invariably picks up spending, and then we get to spend October hearing about how this is “The Turnaround.”

This isn’t a novelty, ladies and gentlemen. My dear readers, we’ve been down this path countless times. The recovery will not be marked by price, but rather by fundamentals.

And the fundamentals have been so bad, pardon me but I have no respect for the intelligencia who are just now reaching the conclusion that, “wow, stock prices may be too high.” Particularly not after hearing them cheerlead stocks for 24 straight months.

Rather, their presence in the pessimistic crowd leads me to conclude that the people who have been consistently wrong are probably still wrong. I’m not exactly rushing to get margined long again – but why should we sell off hard going into the holidays and right after an announcement of what equates to $600 billion more free dollars for financiers?

Come on…

Thus, to those who have been raving that the last week has been so terrible, I leave you with this:

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Just A Matter Of Time For CCJ

I’ve been holding CCJ basically since that reactor went critical in Japan. In fact, the only reason I bothered to purchase CCJ was BECAUSE of the reactor.

As an observation, in the face of natural disasters, people are horrible at honestly judging a situation. They ALWAYS skew to the pessimistic, end-of-the-world viewpoint. And especially with radiation, where the radiation level does not even determine health risks so much as radiation-time, people get goofy.

Case in point: I say to you, “you’ve been exposed to ‘high’ levels of radiation for a few hours.” Let’s suppose that “high” is around the range where death becomes 50/50 according to statistical observation. Rank the following outcomes in terms of likelihood: Death, cancer, sickness – no cancer, and no impact.

Most people, upon freaking out at this statement, would immediately order these outcomes in terms of the fear they have to them – death is most likely, followed by them developing a cancer, followed by them only getting sick, and finally leading off with them scraping by unscathed.

In reality, this is completely wrong.

When exposed to high levels of radiation, the most likely outcome is cell death; since we’ve already specified 50/50 chance of mortality, this is the highest outcome (as all others must fit inside 100% probability), followed by sickness without cancer (survivable cell death), and finally followed by no impact occurring.

The likelihood of developing cancer from 1 hour of exposure at any magnitude of radiation remains effectively the same – zero (this is not to be confused with the implications of absorbing radiating materials into your body, which is why unprotected exposure to radioactive materials is frequently associated with cancers).

This is a good example of panic creating opportunities. The fact that none of the Japanese workers have died from radiation is indication that they will be alright and a reminder that nuclear energy, while complex and potentially dangerous, can be managed safely.

Other examples include the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico, the threat of an Iranian blockade of the Hormuz Straight, the impact of peak oil on net global oil supplies, the relevance of the Y2K bug to global finance, etcetera.

Now, I will demonstrate first hand again the kinds of profits that can be made by keeping a level head when “freaking out” is the cool thing to do.

You see, CCJ’s price has been lackluster of late, to say the least. Yet, I continue to hold it after purchasing logarithmic intervals from the entire spread of $29 all the way down to $17. It comprises an enormous portion of my allocations (just under 20%).

But that is about to change.

In a matter of months, Russian recycled nuclear warheads will stop entering the marketplace as fuel. At such point, current uranium production is insufficient to maintain current fuel demands of all global reactors.

And the number of those reactors is increasing – not decreasing.

Germany’s promise to switch from nuclear fuel to alternative energy sources is weak. They have no chance of accomplishing this…nadda, zilch, zero. The technology does not even exist is terms that could make this possible, at this time.

And Japan will not be decommissioning any of their own reactors, despite public mood on the subject.

The reason they cannot do this is China.

Japan is an island nation with few natural resources. The majority of their consumption comes from abroad. The whole reason they went nuclear to begin with was to create a quasi-self-sufficient power grid for the country. The major catalyst for that choice was fear of China’s naval capacity.

Your standard nuclear plant can run for upwards of 500 full power days before needing to reshuffle the fuel rods. That’s a year and a half of power, without fear of supply disruption.

If Japan were to start converting away from nuclear, it would expose itself to two risks it currently doesn’t have: the first is daily fluctuations in the price of fuel (all of which it must import), and second, the risk that China tries to blockade their supply routes.

If Japan made the switch, and China ever decided to interfere with them, then they would have literally a few months to respond before watching their entire grid fault out. Nuclear gives them options to respond to military provocations – as the Chinese have so kindly reminded them of.

Uranium is set to soar, and CCJ is the biggest beneficiary. By this time next year, I will be insufferably gloating.

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