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Joined Sep 2, 2009
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The Tower Softly Seeing

The oak door to the office remains open a sliver, creating a void of sullen darkness for the light from the fire to be lost in. The flickering blotches of vision creep softly across the plaster walls, revealing brief glimpses of the patterns painted on them. The chilled air is causing goose bumps to form on my skin, as the hearth combats the night air and my body’s heat is slow to reach the stained finish and fabric of my chair. The only steady light in this room is that of my computer screen; a strange juxtaposition of modern technology against the classical décor of my preference.

And the 9th floor is open once again.

I set out last week, with Madame de Thaler, for our trip to the Caribbean seas. We aimed to meet up with her friends, as one of them was to be married on the island of Jamaica.

The ceremony itself was beautiful, set on the side of a mountain next to a waterfall that cascaded around us in lifting rhythms and soft music. Yet, amongst these guests and the ninety degree weather I insisted to attend the ceremony sporting a charcoal three piece suit.

It was a reunion tour for the island, and I brought colonialism back.

The island itself was dirt poor, and I am glad I refused to walk around much. If I wanted to have beggars pester me for change or try to sell me low brow merchandise, I could have visited Flint.

Let’s just say, if Bob Marley should ever lose popularity, I am afraid that the Jamaican economy shall spiral into an unrecoverable depression.

The nation most definitely needs to get beyond merely providing the random whims of tourists, and actually begin to provide for its people, with modern day infrastructure and appeasing the demands of its own citizens. It was sorrowful, seeing a place whose only wealth comes from the outside.

As for the trip in its entirety, we remained on the water for four nights long, entering various ports of call as I entertained my beloved’s desires of dancing, spirits and merriment. But, sadly, we had no access to internet (a surprise to myself), and so I was without means of contacting the greater world.

Still, in hindsight, it seems I was quite dead on, raising a cash position as the markets pulled back for much of last week. I spent all of Saturday catching up with all the relevant world developments in the most efficient means possible.

Remember friends, the iBankCoin news app isn’t just the news. It’s the news told by people who matter.

Now, enough lassitude for me. It is time to return to work.

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