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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.


In private communique obtained from the offices of Vladimir Putin, by way of Wikileaks, we learn today of what could be the biggest fucking lie John Harwood, CNBC fucked face, has ever told.

In a quick and garrulous note from Harwood, who must’ve been bored as fuck with nothing to do, he asked the very slender and fit John Podesta what his time was for running a mile.

John Podesta, shit talker and victim of Russian hacking exercises, destroyer of the Hillary Clinton campaign



‘Roughly’, he quizzed, ‘what’s your pace’ — mate?

Podesta quickly rebuked him, saying ‘why do you want to know that?’ He then alluded to the idea that Harwood might be using this information to chase him from his house to the office — ordinary retarded level libtard conversation.

Then he posited: “8:30 mile(s). You?”



Joyfully and with great pleasure, Harwood stated that he was devoid of knowledge, an idiot when it came to knowing anything about fitness, freely admitting he was using the 67 year old Podesta as a ‘benchmark for being in good shape,’ considering that he (Harwood) was a fat barrel ass — always loitering about the dinner table.

He concluded the email, like a dick, stating he ran a mile at 8:15 — rubbing the salt good and hard, saying ‘that’s fine, but still sounds kinda slow to me.’

What sort of priggish monster asks a 67-year-old his running time and then says he ran faster, but that it was still kinda slow? If John knew the first thing about decorum, he’d say he ran that fucking mile at 3 minutes flat — like a champion speed racer — leveling the self-esteem of Podesta — thereby forcing him to grant as many interviews as John wanted. Or, he’d admit to being a booze hounding sausage eater who ran a mile in twenty fucking minutes, making Podesta laugh and also feel good about himself. After feeling sorry for Harwood, he’d probably grant an interview, or maybe even suck his dick.

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POOF: Chinese Money Vanishes from Hong Kong Markets

Very mysteriously and without a whim, Chinese buyers of Hong Kong stocks have all but vanished from the market place. This might have something to do with the fact that there has been an unending depreciation in the yuan over the past year, which has accelerated over the past 3 months.


Liquidity is getting tight.


“It’s a bit of a mystery as to why this is happening,” said Mohammed Apabhai, head of Asia trading strategy at Citigroup Inc. “Nobody has put forward a convincing explanation about exactly why the southbound flow has dried up and whether it’s a temporary phenomenon. That has removed one of the supports from the Hong Kong equity market.”

Last month, trades emanating from Beijing equated to more than 17% of total turnover in Hong Kong — a new record. As of last week, that number collapsed to just 7%.

Maybe the Chinese are taking a siesta, chilling out ahead of the elections. Or, maybe someone stole all of their money, and their balls. Either way, Hong Kong will be fucked, in the streets, if Mother China doesn’t get back in there to sop up all of their retarded stocks.

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Who the Hell is Ben Fischbein, God Damn It?!

If any of you perverts are familiar with the site 4chan, you’d know that they don’t filter stuff. Generally speaking, the autistic people who traverse 4chan consider Hitler to be a great man, the law that permitted women to vote to be the worst mistake America ever made, and the movie 12 years a slave to be a superfluous example of cinematic comedy. Also, they’ve been known to spend inordinate amounts of time digging into every fucking detail of Hillary Clinton and the shills that support her. Their research moves from that pol forum to Reddit and then Twitter and then some of the alt right sites, maybe sometimes urinated on by Jake Tapper and John Harwood from time to time.

In short, bad decorum and wanton masogyinistic activities aside, 4chan embodies freedom of speech on steroids, the sort of speech that would make G. Washington change his mind about the revolution and instead hand the whole kit and kaboodle over to General Clinton.

Anyway, I’m digressing.

Suffice it to say, anything goes on 4chan, except if you mention the name Benjamin Fucking Fischbein. Ben is a shill for the Clinton campaign, most likely an inherently evil man with actual skeletons in his closet. It’s rumored he lives next to the late Seth Rich, so he might’ve killed him too.

He is the digital director for Correct the Record and it’s now being circulated that 4chan was sold to a Clinton super PAC and this barbarous man placed in charge.




Here’s a measured analysis of what’s going on. Why does it matter and what the fuck does this have to do with anything at all? Who knows? Maybe Team Hillary wants to own the site that invented Pepe the Frog and burn the fucking thing to the ground.

Note: there’s also chatter about Assange’s well being and all sorts of theories as to why they keep spelling words wrong on their Twitter handle. But that a whole different conversation.

In short, fuck Ben Fischbein.

Note: A little less than a week ago, the hobos running 4chan asked for money from their users. Apparently, they’re broke and in the streets. Very low energy.

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Project Veritas Promises to Release Damning Video on Monday, Implicating Hillary Clinton and Donna Brazile

Trailblazing citizen journalist, James O’Keefe, is promising to release part 3 of his ‘rigging the election’ expose videos — where he rips off the veneer of the DNC to display a most hideous face of pure evil and imperial arrogance.

For those just tuning in — doubting there are elements within the DNC who actively rig elections, look no further than his first two videos.

Part 1

Part 2

Where is the FBI?

If you see the tweet above, you’ll notice James cryptically mentions a ‘dead man switch’ — which is nerd talk for ‘if you merc me, this shit is going out anyway, so don’t bother suiciding me, bro.’

Indeud. I wouldn’t worry about getting suicided of natural causes now, olde sport. I would, however, go under the radar and off the grid after the elections when the dust settles and the spotlight is off you.

Stay safe.

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Trump said he would block this deal because it’s anti-competitive. Moreover, he went after Amazon and their Washington Post connections.

“Deals like this destroy democracy”, said Trump as his magnificiently spoke to the people from Gettysburg, PA.


This might prove to be somewhat of a barometer, a betting pool of sorts, for the Presidential election. In other words, if Clinton gets elected, TWX shoots to $105-110. If Trump gets elected, TWX noses dives to $80.

Place your bets, fucked faces.

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CNN is Getting a New Boss: At&t Agrees to Acquire Time Warner for $85 Billion

It’s all monopoly money anyways. The evil folks over at T are set to consolidate another content provider — paving the way for pricing fuckery of a first magnitude.

At&t has agreed to acquire Time Warner for upwards of $80b, placing the share price at around $105-110. The stock (TWX) closed at $89 on Friday.

At&t intends to pay half-cash, half-debt, sort of like an Arnold Palmer drink for oligarchs. If you recall, they purchased Directv for $48b last year. Only inside Soviet controlled Russia or current day China should this deal get anti-trust approval. If there’s one thing our government has been efficient at doing, it is busting deals. However, since this involves the parent company of their agitprop organization, CNN, I seriously doubt they’ll even notice this monopoly forming.

Time Warner already has $23b in debt and At&t has $133b. This new deal will press the limits of their banking prowess — as they rush to raise another $40-45b in free money to acquire the cable giant.

NOTE: Should Trump get elected and this deal goes through, look for the new bosses to fire every single CNN anchor for failing to get their candidate elected. What’s the point of having government controlled media, if you can’t even get your guy/gal elected?

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Podesta Gets Taunted by Crowd During CNN Debate: ‘We’ve Got Your Emails, Podesta’

As per the Clinton talking points, John Podesta, the leaking sieve of the DNC, blamed the hacks on ‘Guccifer 2.0’ and the Russian government.

This guy is a fucking asshole.

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Biden Wishes He Could ‘Take Trump Behind the Gym’

More butt-hurt libtards, so greatly offended by the orange pussy grabbing clown — threatening physical retribution to a presidential candidate, while ignoring the monumental and generationally damaging revelations of DNC corruption and denigration of this bastardized version of democracy.

“The press always asks me, don’t I wish I were debating him? No, I wish we were in high school, and I could take him behind the gym. That’s what I wish,” Biden said at Wilkes University in P.A.

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