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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.


The Trump tweet is very important here. He doesn’t like his big titted stock market barreling lower. So, he’s going to end the trade war, or keep up the rhetoric to provide succor for the bulls during these trying times.

Copper stocks are breaking the fuck out — which is a key China tell.

Also, semis, who have been hurt due to supply chain concerns out of China, are enjoying a furious rally now. Lucky for me, I’m long SOXL with a cost basis of $92 — 10% holding.

I cannot stress how bullish this is for markets. If you have cash, buy copper and Chinese stocks now, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the short squeeze.

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Trump-Xi Tweet Sparks Furious Rally

Don’t think that Trump isn’t watching every fucking tick of this market. Unlike Bush and Obama, who were oblivious to the market, Trump is obsessed. He knows the bears need to be vanquished, in order to preserve his legacy as world’s best stock market President, ever.

He just floated this tweet, which I am sure was designed to cause a short squeeze.

Separately, the new Exodus Quant for November was just posted. I wasn’t going to sell any of my trading positions anyway, even if we traded lower today. The way I view the market is binary and right now we’re in bull mode.

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Happy Hallow’s Eve

It was a busy day at the Grande Druid lodge — sacrificial rituals abound and bloodlines emblazoned with the ceremonies of the spirits.

All that aside, my pork shoulder cooked inside a pumpkin ended in unmanaged disaster. It fucking imploded and exploded, blackened by an oven set too hot — meat squeezed and juiced inside of boiling cider, producing a flavor worthy of hell.  To provide sustenance, I ventured off to the local pizzeria and bought chicken parm, garlic knots, and a pizza pie.

I washed it all down, mind you, with some Chimay.

Futures are higher; but don’t expect a very strong open tomorrow. You might get a -50 NASDAQ before dips are bought. If we get a dip buying opportunity and it sticks, watch out. We’re liable to head higher by another 666 Nasdaq points from present prices.

I intend to sell my positions next week and then attempt to time the downturn, which will probably fail and end up in stop losses and resumption of me buying stocks again. Are we really seriously considering a bear market? It’s possible the hesitation is due to the elections. Perhaps after the elections we’ll get some clarity and a sense of normalcy.

Either way, the only logical position now, following a horrid October, is to be long.

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You Want Answers? I’ve Got Your God Damned Answers Right Here

Markets will not sell off today. If you’re a pathetic bear, you need to understand that bear markets crash, recover, then roll. It’s the last leg of this process that solidifies the bearish bias.

Consider the following affect on a person’s psyche.

Flash crash lower — Joe is feeling good. He thinks the market was doing stupid shit, blames it on crooked Wall Street.

Market recovers. Joe is back in the saddle, punching out gains, feeling good.

Then market starts to roll lower, slowly and with method. Joe thinks the market will rally, so he buys a fuckload of stocks. In the next several weeks and then months, there isn’t a flash crash, but a slow burn downward. The combination of lower prices and length of time break Joe, and now he’s forced to sell the house, divorce the wife, and lose the kids.

That’s how bear markets are formed, by breaking investor psyche over an extended period of time.

With that being said, we’re still heading higher. I am 100% long, doubled sized positions in all my SAAS stocks, TQQQ and SOXL. I also own some LABU. I am a seller when the QQQs hit $178.

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If you didn’t buy yesterday, you shouldn’t be sad that you’re missing out on this great melt up, but instead happy to have concluded your experience as a self directed investor. You’re not capable of seeing the forest thru the trees, and that’s all right.

Would you get mad at a bicycle for not being able to fly? Of course not.

You’re genetically predisposition to fail at speculation, period end of story.

Now the bigger question today is: do we sell and take profits?

Short answer: no.

You sell stocks now, I come to your office and punch your fucking jawline loose.

The rally will continue until the last bear is dead.

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WRITE THIS DOWN: Markets Will Spring-Cock Higher Tomorrow

You should be watching every god damned tick of the Asian markets tonight and then every single tick in Europe, just to get a flavor for their markets. Do you know how many fucking times I actually did that — just to get acclimated with their markets? A lot, fucked face.

Here’s the problem with most of you: you want to get rich and enjoy great success in the market — but you do not want to do the work. You think the work is subscribing to Exodus and hearing what I have to say in the chat room?


Do you think it’s smart to take my picks and go all in on those ideas, when in fact I’m subject to failure just like everyone else?

Let me clue you in on a little secret. Everyone can pick winning stocks. Everyone can make money in a bull market. The one’s who make it long term and have gains to speak of are the people who were able to minimize losses during drawdowns. My losses were small during this squall because I stopped out quickly and my position sizes were 5%. Plus, I was more than 50% cash nearly the entire time.

But right now I am ALL IN, 100% long, and I’ll tell you what — I’ll cut my dick off if this markets doesn’t rage higher tomorrow. I am talking devil horns into your face rage — 666 NASDAQ points to the upside in a Hallow’s Eve rape storm of profit and hedonistic gluttony.

Best thing you can do in your entire life: join Exodus and let me show you how I create magic out of thin air.

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Did you see today’s action, or did you just read about it you fucking lazy slobs?

This is textbook bottoming out action. Even if we’re heading towards a bear market, the most furious rallies can still occur. What you’re about to bear witness to will, in fact, be legendary.

“The Fly” stepped in like a gladiator today and bought a fuckload of stock. At the close of trade, he bought a lot more. The last was a double up in both SOXL and TQQQ.

Cash is now zero percent. I am 100% long, via SAAS plays and 3x upside ETFs — outrageously confident that nothing can go wrong — because I’ve been selected to enjoy winship on a scale and time of my choosing.

I choose now. Bet against me, lose your house, wife, and even your kids.


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You know the market is fucked up when rallies can’t stick. But the reason why you hold through it, even though it feels wrong and risky, is for the potential payoff.

What sort of payoff?

Lots of money, pal.

Crossing into the final hours of trade, we’re likely to suffer extreme volatility, which means sharply lower prices and then maybe a full recovery. The market is in pain mode, which means it’s whole purpose is to trick the maximum amount of people in order to remove them from their money.

We had a fine rally, up more than 300. But now we’re giving it all back and on the verge of going negative. This wreaks of margin call selling, a havoc the market can ill afford right now — but will do so nonetheless.

We’ve just endured the worse single month of trade in a decade. The optics look poor, barreling into the elections. Perhaps that’s what this is all about — a democratic takeover and subsequent impeachment of Trump. Whatever the real reason is, everything ebbs and everything flows. Right now we’re ebbing a whole lot, but maybe soon we’ll flow and drift gingerly into the blue skies, victorious.

Back on earth, the soil is blackened by the fires and the people are gray with discontent. The mood is grim and the horizon filled with rust.

Feeling moody and 100% convinced we’re heading lower?

That’s how you’re supposed to feel just before the turn.

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Hate Me All You Want — But I Will Kill You

Anytime I take a position that is against the current, my comments section becomes a destination for the middle earth, Orcs opining about their time during the Great Recession and how this is that and how wrong I am about markets. Well, hello, go fuck yourself. How about that?

I do not pretend to know everything about the market — because I do know everything about the market. There’s no pretending here in this routine. I’m your brokers broker, the guy who people come to when they’re feeling down and out, stupid, and cast into the streets left for dead. I’m the guy you read when markets dislocate and break in two like an old rickety branch.

Am I right?

So go fuck yourselves and the opinions you bring to me. I do not care for them, and you’re not qualified to offer me advice.

Am I being touchy, maybe a little thinned skinned?

No, so go fuck yourself.

“The Fly” has been investing since he’s 10. Do you know how old I am now?

1,000 years plus, and more.

I’m an ancient, odious, man — who reads old books and writes all day. You play video games and smoke pot inside blunts. There’s a difference between you and I and maybe you’re destined for something terrific, and I wish you well. I truly do. But you need to go fuck yourself now and quit badgering me for trying to help you.

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Archive this post for fine aging.

I bought SOXL and LABU today — because nothing says bullish like getting long two of the worst 3x upside ETFs in the market, both of which have just bankrupted scores of traders. I believe, rather emphatically, the conditions are present for a 666 point rally.

The Nasdaq is moving in 15 point increments, wildly swinging to and fro. Sentiment is overwhelmingly bearish, and for good reason. Do not hate on me just because my greed is without boundaries. I have no bias other than a preconceived notion that all gains shall, and henceforth, be mine.

If I’m wrong, damn me to hell. But I seriously doubt it. “The Fly” doesn’t fucking lose.

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