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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Welcome to My Plantation

I’m looking for some trades amidst recent ipos. You might want to draw up some screens and bear witness to the bat-shit that is taking place there. Stocks are only going higher, which is great–because I am long.

My biggest winner, for the day, is AMBA. I bet you didn’t buy any when it dropped. You were too busy buying TZA because you like to lose money.

And another thing: stop thanking me for your wins. I don’t care about your wins. I am pleased that someone out there is listening to reason. If you want to show your appreciation for the site and my pimp hand, go knock on your neighbors door and make them visit the site. iBankCoin needs to get a lot bigger, and fast. I’m not making any direct threats to any of you–mainly because everything I do is indirect, subtle. “The Fly” is a man of gracious indifference, a leader for the people who doesn’t care about the poor and crippled– or the struggles of third tier bloggers.

If you’re unable to attain traffic it’s because no one likes you. That’s it. It’s very simple.

When you were a kid and asked that really hot girl out to the movies and she said no, it was because she didn’t like you. The same thing applies to web traffic and text messages.

Look at all of the money I am making. Do you think I am happy?

Of course I am you silly bastard. Do you know how expensive it is to live out here amongst these greedy monsters, paying these absurd taxes and raising 3 kids? If I was poor, I’d be miserable, destitute, sort of like that Davian guy minus all of the theft and fraud.

Back to work (whips lash).

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Back to the Digital Revolution

These congressmen make me sick, truly sick, watching them humiliate themselves in front of Ben Bernanke. One chap took out his iPad, pointing to his new app titled “ECONOMY”, asking Ben questions that a 4th grader could answer. I wonder if Congress was filled with handicaps 100-200 years ago? How did our country grow with men like this at the helm? One would think we’d manage to nuclear bomb ourselves back to the stone ages, with idiots like this running the nation. They are true cavemen, the type without the wheel or fire. These people pre-date cooked food and shelter. Their minds are equal to those who were running away from dinosaurs, eating rocks, and playing with their own feces.

Anyway, enough of these retards, back to the digital revolution and what it means to intelligent life.

Connectivity is the name of the game. What companies help facilitate this, helping spread information to the masses of cavemen on iPads?

Here is my short list of names that should explode over the next 10 years. Keep in mind, this is a 10 year list, you stupid baboons, and have nothing to do with what I am doing now.











(cloud computing companies)


more to come.

I didn’t list cloud companies because there are too many. Maybe N or CRM are good holds. I don’t know. All I know is this: we are in the middle of something huge. Software companies like WDAY, TXTR are coming out of the gates swinging, breaking the jaws of short sellers immediately. We need to be vigilant in our pursuit of greatness.

To accomplish this greatness I speak of, we mustn’t fall for the traps of buying into caveman industries, like gold and coal. I don’t want anything that was around 1,000 years ago.

To hell with commodities.

There are many other names that will facilitate the rennaisance. Do the research you lazy jackasses and quit emailing me with questions.

“The Fly” is off to do something grande, something cool.

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Up Again!

We knew this would happen, no? Bernanke clearly stated “I got your backs, son” (puff, puff, pass).

Shares of TSLA are electrocuting shorts. This is getting boring, even moribund– if I might be so bold.

Shares are shooting higher again. I need a great big collapse, something adverse to fight against. Frankly, I’m not accustomed to dealing with good times all the time. But, it’s worth noting, I am constantly plagued by home renovations–things breaking in the house for no reason at all. Just yesterday, my entire irrigation system shorted out. That’ll cost me a few shillings.

I’m liking SCTY on the bounce here, and of course IMMR.

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My Life is About to Change Again

I’m a doctor of finance, god damn it. Show me some respect.

I have this IMMR position sitting on my book, looking at me cow eyed for the better half of two months now and it’s about to bust loose, like a porn star at the end of his film.

Get those disgusting ideas out from your heads. “The Fly” is doing things distinguished, constantly making money, no matter what. If I had to break legs and arms to bank coin, I’d do it.

Now I want you to watch the shares of IMMR very closely. A position this big, this magnanimous, is bound to disappoint me. But I’m up now, with a basis of $14.10. If this god forsaken beast of a a name, operated by the greediest people alive, should jizz all over short sellers, I will  be a very happy man indeud.

I was +0.5% today. Nothing can stop me now, not even a market crash.



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I am sick of these weasels on tv talking about KO and how they missed earnings because of the weather. Instead of taking the management of coke at their word, these weasels, small mice of men, are drumming up conspiracy theories, deriding the old fashioned American icon for reasons UNBEKNOWNST to me.

What’s also UNBEKNOWNST to me is why we should care?

KO was relevant back in the 1950’s, when Americans ate meatloaf for dinner, smoked cigarettes in school and worked inside factories riddled with fire hazards.

No one drinks soda pop anymore, not even teenagers. Coca-Cola is for children in Thailand or Mexico. You know, the stupid people of the world enjoy it–because it’s the American dream.

In other news, I am eagerly awaiting an upside melt up in IMMR. Do you think it will happen today?

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The Nerve of the Market to Trade Down

I was under the assumption stocks were to trade up, continuously, without pause. I am flanked by a Musket styled shot to the face attack, with the shares of SCTY tanking. Let it be noted, our resident mathematician, Caine Thaler, nailed the TSLA trade. One could only hope for TSLA to drop to $100 or even lower to further his prospects. But, as far as I am concerned, there isn’t anything to worry about with SCTY long term. It’s like a giant penis and the world is its vagina.

Back to stocks.

IMMR is having a good showing, which is keeping me in the black. Everything else is a non-event. I do wish YELP will drop 10-20%, amidst some scandal, so that I can buy it back. I have some serious sellers remorse issues with that one.

I am sizing up ONVO and will take a position, one day, hoping to hedge my Irish genes and my proclivity to drink the grape, cashing in on 3-d printable livers.

SOL went and I missed that. I won’t miss out when EMKR goes–and it will. You just sit there, in that ridiculous costume, and watch.

Okay, I have to get back to whatever I was doing before I decided to pen this post. “The Fly” is in good spirits and thanks to the heavens, I am NOT losing money today (yet) like the rest of you heathens.

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An exclamatory statement that is accompanied by more than 3 exclamation marks is completely irrational and a sign of acute mental illness. As you can see, there isn’t anything wrong with this title and I am perfectly sane.



The redundancy of that last sentence doesn’t matter; chalk it up as a non-sequitur.  “The Fly” is making mountains of money today, even with the spastic retards at SCTY bleeding out.

Do not talk to me about anything else but IMMR, unless of course it flops.

In case you’re wondering, EMKR, WIT and HLF look great to me too. I am particularly interested in seeing Carl Icahn punch, mind you, Bill Ackman in the head with brass knuckles. My meager 7 figure position in HLF is child’s play and makes me a ‘mere spectator’ in this whole ‘battle royale.’ Nonetheless, let the games begin!

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Declarations, Proclamations, as Well As Explanations Forthcoming

Back to the contents of the previous post, I hereby rescind any and all threats of witholding information, free of charge, from the dirty citizens of the internets. If you must understand, we’ve hired a marketeer, someone to consult us on the online business, who finds our ‘conversion’ ratios to be somewhat ‘reprehensible’. Many smug characters on the interwebs enjoy to poke fun at those of us who are able to conduct  online commerce, mainly because they’ve tried and failed. There is nothing shameful about being a man of industry, especially if the business at hand is beneficial to the consumer.

If I might be so bold, I do believe our offerings of PPT and 12631 provide a great service to those in the business and the self-directed pleb, trying to manage his meager earnings from the confines of a cottage or logged cabin.

This marketeer wanted to help with our conversion rates because, based on the numbers, revenues should be triple. But I’ve always stated, we’re not about money here. The public service is our mission and to that end: we shall remain defiant in the face of overly aggressive business consultants.

One final note on this matter: over the years, iBC has managed to net 7 figures in revenues (no Davian). We are not starved artists and do not request your pity to help us ‘survive.’ Also, might I add, this is a very small portion of my overall income (again, I must insist, no Davian); therefore, based upon the sun, moon and the stars, “The Fly” is acting in a most generous, charitable and giving manner, just by talking to you–donating my time to the poor and the disheveled.

I’ve concluded my nightly research and have decided that a handful of stocks are heading higher–decidedly so.

I have a list with me, that I wrote on a small piece of paper, which will be burned after I post it here.

My favorite names, heading in tomorrow are:











Do not share this post with anyone! Keep it a secret and great fortune shall fall into your laps (no crotch). Do the opposite and a pox will fall upon your house, which will last for many generations.



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New All-Time Highs

Technology is where the money is flowing, especially solar.

I feel IMMR and EMKR are poised to explode to the upside. Then again, that’s just me talking my book.

We’re not done going higher and I am having a grande old time with this tape. It’s easy, fun and there are disconnects to take advantage of.

I will post some new ideas this evening.

NOTE: Very soon, all intra-day Fly buys/sells will be reserved for the confines of The PPT. I will still discuss my ideas here, for free. But the gravy train, as far as actionable intra-day picks are concerned, is coming to an end soon.

UPDATE: I changed my mind on the whole intra-day buy/sells behind PPT for now.  You may clean your soiled trousers and relax now.

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Bull Market for Dummies

I was going to comment on the Davian debacle, discussing the topic of vanity and how people often misinterpret the definition of “real wealth” (family) is; but why bother? The guy is white trash and I’d rather spend my time talking about the markets.

Before I praise myself, banking coin in a runaway bull market (duh), I want to point out that The Option Addict is going apeshit to the upside with his picks today, namely GMCR. It’s as if he has a crystal ball on his desk. The one thing I can promise you, upon launch of his premium service, is professionalism, hard work and transparency. As an investor and manager of other people’s wealth, that’s all a person can ask for. The gains come later, in my opinion. I appreciate candor and a person who isn’t afraid to lose, but not reckless to the point of stupid.

Admittedly, my biggest problem is tapering the drawdowns. I’ve had some truly cruel drawdowns over the past 2 years and have been fortunate to have escaped it in 2013, thus far.

For the day, I am up 2.6%, putting gains within striking distance of 40%. Let it be noted, I did this taking an oversized amount of risk, currently leveraged at 125% long, zero shorts.

This isn’t rocket science, folks (Denninger). To make money in this tape, you need to know what sectors are working and when the money is about to shift to another sector–get in early, then sell.

Top picks: IMMR, HLF, WIT

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