18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,545 Blog Posts


We have been waiting for the $NVDA numbers all day and they did not dissappoint.

NVIDIA prelim Q1 $6.12 vs $5.60 FactSet Consensus; revs $26.04 bln vs $24.59 bln FactSet Consensus

Like all things that become stylish and skyrocket, I once hated $NVDA too and dedicated many a blog to its eventual demise. But then a few years ago I threw in the towel and bought it in the low 100s and never sold it since. I wanted to sell it because I hate stocks that only go up. It felt too easy and things that are easy are often scams. However, it seems the new pejorative is to just buy high and hold it because it’s going higher and nothing can ever stop it and if, by chance, is does stop going up just buy more and wait for it to crest again.

Gone are the days when stocks collapsed and caused people to panic and worry about their futures.

Speaking of which, my future is looking pretty fucking grim right now. Whatever the reason or the cause, although I do suspect memes being created about me inside Stocklabs is of chief concern right now, I cannot find a salient in this tape. Every time I think I found it, BAM! my face crashes into the windshield and I break my fucking face. Today I shed 111bps in indecorous trade. I am down less than 1% for the month, crossed against the fucking market up more than 5%. This is an incredible chasm and it has been gnawing away at my soul each and ever day. I glance into the mirror to inspect my visage and feel the sudden urge to punch it. If I cannot trade well, I never want to do it.

Perhaps this is it for me. We all had a good run and great times on the internets since the early 2000s. Maybe it’s time for a younger generation of FUCKED FACES to take over and trade $GME back up to $400 and make the lot of you wealth in my stead.

I will keep you all posted on what might be my retirement from this here bullshit.

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  1. uglyflint

    Tomorrow at 4 pm you will proclaim having the biggest cock on walled street.

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