18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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New Month, New Focus

At least in my head, I have big plans for April. I’m biased towards basic materials and really feel this is the breakout month. I’m also reticent to chase semis here, based on seasonal factors. And, lastly, BIG FAN of cryptos here. I made my monthly contribution to $SOL today. My basis is around $73.

The market is middling this morning but major breakouts in gold/silver and semis. The semis up the most seem to be the ones focused on AI. In between all of this bullishness is a maudlin tape with pathetic action in many a growth name.

Today is also new quant day. Once per month the quant account is re allocated based upon the Stocklabs algos, choosing the best stocks. The Quant formula is different from last year, with a more aggressive bent.

Into mid-afternoon I’m likely to remain long with heavy cash in trading, due to my reticence of chasing stuff unworthy.

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