18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Traded Like a Retarded Fucking Ape This Week

The NASDAQ pressed higher by 3% this week and the small capped Russell jumped by 1.9%, in what could only be described as accommodative pin action. I wasn’t short or sick with the COVID-10 virus, but managed to only achieve a gain of 0.10% for the week.

Conversely, my monthly allocated quant gained 1.2% and my strategic portfolio of long term holdings jimmied up 4.8%. I used to lament about these things, study where I went wrong — retrace my steps in a never-ending search to unlock the secrets of my fuck ups. But it’s all a waste of time, as I am fixed to go higher and just because I counter-correlated the market — that doesn’t mean it’s over for me.

Quite the contrary, as a point in fact. I am best followed and most profitable when diverging from the broader indices, as I posses an innate skillset to navigate markets and subordinate the indices to my personal returns.

I must admit, however, the allure of continuing to CRUSH markets has weakened in over time, since the time necessary to achieve high returns is great and making more money for myself isn’t something that is motivational to me. After all, I won’t ever pull my money out and I intend to leave my net worth to chimpanzees for banana provisions.

I once again closed fully long and with leverage, but focused only on very high priced stocks with exception to one or two other equities, like Rumble, that have my attention. I do not mean to sound glib or laissez faire about current ongoings — but the entire set up is uninteresting. There aren’t any collapses looming and Pax Americana and its regime of evil incarnate continue unabated, gleefully and gayly into the rainbow sunset.

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