18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Semis Will Go Up Forever

I am long $NVDA in the kids’ trust account from the 100s and have often thought about selling it — since the price is up so much. But then I am reminded of AI and all of the autonomous applications that will provide chip companies to grow in perpetuity. Long gone are the days of commoditized chip prices, price collapses caused by over-capacity at the foundries. We are now in a different realm, one that both appreciates chips and appreciates its prices too.

You can peer across the landscape towards names like $AVGO, $ASML, $LRCX, and $AMD and find nothing but splendor and decadence and things will continue to remain that way — all because of this new realm we’re all in now — a time and place where valuation temporarily disconnects from historical norms in replace of grandeur.

You can bellow about a bubble all you want but just know that your government is watching you closely and keeping tabs of your comments in both public and private venues — all thanks to the semiconductor industry — fighting hate speech and far right ideology one metric tonne of silicon at a go.

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