18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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I’d hate to stand before you and change my mind again. I was going to declare the market to be bearish — but refrained in the last minute before I started to blog because MSFT is up in the after-hours and that might shift things a bit.

You must admit, seeing the NASDAQ -200 feels good in spite of personal injury. Sure, in a perfect world I’d be up today and not in the quant generated picks — but instead perfectly wagoned to hitch the ride lower. But I haven’t and for those of you bitching and moaning about the quant picking BOWSERS — you need to shut the fuck up at once and stick to ze plan.

The muscle in the Russell had dissipated and the summer swoons fast approaches. We better pray to the Gods for profound earnings to extract us from this slump — for it is foreboding and evil. I do not like the measure of this tape and would prefer another one.

I closed -179bps for the session, all but powerful under the weight of a long only book of tech and oil — a recipe for catastrophe on this day.

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