18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,551 Blog Posts


I just supped on an assortment of Italian delicacies, a homemade gravy passed down 10 generations to me, some fuckhead blogger located in the bastardized part of the south. Since coming here I’ve learned a great deal about southern culture. Mostly, it’s nonsense — poor people culture revolving around fatty foods and grits.

I see WTI is off by 5% and lockdowns are all but a foregone conclusion. The COVID scourge is worsening again, ahead of civil war type mood elections, which could only mean one thing:

This son of a bitch market is going to crash.

Now that you know this, make arrangements for your family, else you’ll end up on the ass end of a deleterious margin liquidation. To be frank, I will take this opportune to bulk up on my Ethereum position, one that is rooted in doomsday.

The dollar is going to collapse in your lifetime. Read Spengler to understand what is happening to the west and its decline.

We will make great fortunes off the misery of others, crushing the spirit of Robinhood traders until they’re left with nothing but bones and skin.

I enter tomorrow with a 15% SQQQ position, eager to accentuate that bias with an aggressive violence born from the patriarchy of mankind.

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  1. moosh

    From south Florida, had grits once and no thanks. I’m ready to get into the FAZmobile and just ride

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  2. tradercaddy

    Shrimp and grits, Low Country style, is good stuff.
    Even in Manhattan it’s served.
    Some of the best I have had is at Jacob’s Pickles on the West Side.
    And by the way, careful with the crash talk. I can see a big rally barring a “no result” on Election night.
    Also. I believe oil stocks have already discounted a European shutdown, although crude itself hasn’t.
    Thus oil stocks can certainly rally even if crude goes down.

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  3. chuck bennett

    I agree with Trader caddy, except on one thing. Jacob’s pickle is not that good.


    Chuck Bennett

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    • tradercaddy

      Yup, Jacobs can be a hit or miss, Shrimp and grits and Biscuits/Chicken samich are good but I had a Lox and hash brown thing once that was a hot mess.
      Haven’t been there in a couple years as the Grandkids just want to go to Chick-fil-A now of all places when they opened on the Upper East Side.

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  4. roguewave

    This market is way too complicated for me.
    Just pulled more $ out of stocks for eventual BTC deployment. Should’a done it 3k ago.

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    • roguewave

      #Bitcoin is the best performing asset, this year, last 5 years and last 10 years. Even risk-adjusted bitcoin outperforms all other assets, year after year. What’s your reason for not having bitcoin in your investment portfolio?

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  5. indexjoe


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  6. purdy

    Tomorrow night it will be all over but for the counting. Here’s hoping that the media outlets that reinforce the idiocy of their viewers and readers will all get together and determine to become fact-based, send all the Hannities and Maddows on hiatus; and critically, become advocates for the enforcement of laws that protect people and property.

    In any case, if MSM continues to support – and bury news of – those who burn our cities, I will miss the reportage of Fly during this critical period in our history.

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  7. oilerua

    best contrarian ever
    with this post now I’m sure 110% of ( opposite ) direction of the market to begin the week with

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  8. flea

    What? I thought Exodus was flashing ‘OVERSOLD’ …. don’t trust your own shit? At least for today anyway … Dow futures +350.

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  9. tjnyt

    How was the ride FAZmobile?

    Hey Doc, remember when Le Grandin asks Marcel a rhetorical question in Remembrance Of Things Past, ” is the life of poor people less interesting?” And leaves the answer to readers’ imagination.

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