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Trump Sends Carrier Strike Group to Defend Against Possible Iranian Attack — Ups Rhetoric in Chinese Trade War

Tired of winning yet?

Israel vs Gaza.

America vs Iran/China.

There will be wars and rumors of wars.

Lots of rumors swirling about China now — such as China breaking off talks due to Trump’s Sunday night outburst. Also, news out of the Middled East is that Iran was planning an attack on US forces in the region, which expedited the deployment of the USS Lincoln. Naturally, this is all bullshit — another scheme to get Americans to die on Middle Eastern soil. Nevertheless, it’s news.

Late Sunday night, the White House made a surprise announcement that the USS Abraham Lincoln and a bomber task force were being deployed in response to unspecified “troubling and escalatory indications and warnings.”

A statement from National Security Adviser John Bolton said the deployments were intended “to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.”

“The United States is not seeking war with the Iranian regime, but we are fully prepared to respond to any attack, whether by proxy, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or regular Iranian forces,” the statement continued.

A U.S. official told ABC News the deployments were in response to “clear indications” Iranian and Iranian proxy forces were preparing for a possible attack, and that the decision to send forces was made on Sunday.

“The movement of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln to the region was expedited, and it was ordered there effective immediately,” said the official.

The carrier is currently in the Mediterranean after leaving Norfolk, Virginia, on April 1. The Navy no longer provides destinations for its carrier deployments, but the carrier likely would have had to transit through the Middle East toward its new home port of San Diego at the end of its deployment.

Also, Trump declared via Twitter the United Steaks would not lose to China anymore. As of April, the US trade gap with China was 49.4 billion clown dollars, down to the lowest level since (wait for it)… June of 2018.

Dow futures are -450.

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  1. ericbakerbruce


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  2. roundwego

    The market is so fucked. Moral Hazzard time.

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  3. numbersgame

    While Terorirsts are crazy, Iran’sleaders aren’t stuid enough to atack the US directly.

    Of course, the current US administration isn’t above *claiming* any future attack is Irans resposibiity. Two out of many possiblitiies:
    1) There is an imminent Terrorist attack planned, but Iran leaks out the word that any Terrorist attack wil not be supported by them (to save their won skin), thus preventing said attack.
    2) A Terrorists attack occurs against Israel, US attacks Iran, and World War III begins.(Extra Bolton).

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  4. mx2101

    Bread and circuses…

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