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Yearly Archives: 2018


I’ve been waiting for this moment my entire life — the Space Force branch of the military — because conquering planet earth simply isn’t enough. Many generations from now, the world will harken back to this period when the military apparatus of the US started a unit for outer space, designed to attack other planets. All of the movies we’ve seen about evil alien races laying waste of Earth was actually a foreshadowing of what we’re going to do to other planets.

We are an evil people, a dark, insidious, force to be reckoned with. You know for damned sure, if there was a gigantic surplus of oil on some shit-panned planet out there — our fucking ‘space force’ would annihilate the people on it — dubbing them as ‘space terrorists’ and then take it all.

Here’s a text of Trump discussing this new bold initiative.

“My administration is reclaiming America’s heritage as the world’s greatest space-faring nation,” Trump said in the East Room, joined by members of his space council. “The essence of the American character is to explore new horizons and to tame new frontiers.”

Trump had previously suggested the possibility of creating a space unit that would include portions equivalent to parts of the air force, army and navy. But his directive will task the Defence Department to begin the process of establishing the “space force” as the sixth branch of the U.S. armed forces.

“When it comes to defending America, it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space. We must have American dominance in space,” Trump said. He added: “We are going to have the Air Force and we are going to have the space force, separate but equal.”

Turning to seek out Dunford, Trump said, “General Dunford, if you would carry that assignment out, I would be very greatly honoured also … Where’s General Dunford? General? Got it?”

Dunford appeared to acknowledge the order, responding, “we got it.” But the directive seemed to take defence officials by surprise. Creating a new joint military command is largely the purview of Congress, which would have to provide the authority and any funding or shifting of money to a new unit.

This is exactly what I voted for — a space force that could invade the moon and bring back cheap healthcare expenses and a wall to keep out lawnmowers.

In other news, which space stocks do you like for this endeavor? LMT, RTN, AJDA, VSAT, LORL, ATRO?

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You Cannot Stop the Madness: Bought $NTNX

If you want the short version of how Fly is doing these days, look no further than my triple sized HUBS position and doubled sized TEAM and ZEN holdings. I don’t think I’ve done something this bold in quite some time. I am literally invincible, unable to lose money if I wanted to.

Going along with that nice thought process, I spent the balance of whatever cash was held in escrow — buying NTNX. Super powerful growth rate and open air running look to the stock. I dare any of you to sell it down short. It will only serve to be your very own gravedigger.

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Gentlemen, The Trade War Has Been Won Again

This out of China.

Source: CNBC

Wang, who was the architect of the “China Dream”, Xi’s vision for China to become a strong and prosperous nation, has been taken to task by the Chinese leader for crafting an excessively nationalistic image for the country, which has only provoked the United States, the sources said.

“He’s in trouble for mishandling the propaganda and hyping up China too much,” said one of the sources, who has ties to China’s leadership and propaganda system.

The office of the party’s spokesman did not respond to a request for comment on Wang and his relationship with Xi, or on whether China had erred in its messaging in the trade war.

There is a growing feeling within the Chinese government that the outlook for China has “become grim”, according to a government policy advisor, following the deterioration in relations between China and the United States over trade. The advisor requested anonymity.

Those feelings are also shared by other influential voices.

“Many economists and intellectuals are upset about China’s trade war policies,” an academic at a Chinese policy think tank told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue. “The overarching view is that China’s current stance has been too hard-line and the leadership has clearly misjudged the situation.”

Trump is crushing China with literally no backlash, other than some retarded soybean farmers in the midwest. This is what happens when you have nothing to lose — you go for broke.

SAAS stocks are ebullient. I missed out on the ROKU trade — because I’m a pussy. Won’t happen again, believe me.

I stepped in this morning and bought YEXT and SWCH. I’m barreling into perdition, sinning like a motherfucker, yet appreciative of my time here. These are the halcyon days, the time and place when everything was great and we all made a lot of coin in markets. You will regret not being involved.

Come and take a free trial in Exodus. I promise to make you a better human being.

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This is America: FUNDING SECURED

Thanks to a market moving Tweet, it appears Elon Musk is now going to be investigated by the cuckholds at the SEC. This is the rule that will likely be applied during the investigation.

§ 240.14e-8 Prohibited conduct in connection with pre-commencement communications.

It is a fraudulent, deceptive or manipulative act or practice within the meaning of section 14(e) of the Act ( 15 U.S.C. 78n) for any person to publicly announce that the person (or a party on whose behalf the person is acting) plans to make a tender offer that has not yet been commenced, if the person:

(a) Is making the announcement of a potential tender offer without the intention to commence the offer within a reasonable time and complete the offer;

(b) Intends, directly or indirectly, for the announcement to manipulate the market price of the stock of the bidder or subject company; or

(c) Does not have the reasonable belief that the person will have the means to purchase securities to complete the offer.

It’s all well and good and we all enjoy the Trump-esque black humor of Musk — but one must ask: where the fuck is he getting $71 billion to execute a leveraged buyout of his insane company?

A deal of this size and scale would’ve been leaked through the improper channels on Wall Street and, thus far, all of the highly paid analysts who cover TSLA are highly skeptical that such a deal is even possible, let alone in the works.


In light of Musk’s outrageous tweet, people created their own memes, mostly retarded, but many entertaining.

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Trump Says US GDP Can Grow “Much Higher” Than +5%

Come on — what the fuck sort of tomfoolery this this? When China reports their +6.8% GDP every quarter, it’s always met with hard eye rolls — because no one believes their central planned numbers. Now with Trump being able to tout a very impressive +4.1% GDP number, which is likely a one off event, he’s upping the ante and talking greasy now — saying we can go ‘much higher’ and that +5% is a small number. He thinks we’re gonna grow at 6,7,8, fucking 10% GDP.

I’ll tell you want — we grow more than +5% GDP and I’ll throw myself into a lit fireplace.

Mark this post: We will never grow at +5%. Ever.

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Removing the Fat and the Excess — Cleaving the Old Portfolio Today

I have zero interest in holding stocks that go down after earnings. I made an exception with HUBS — only because I knew Wall Street was wrong — because I know the company. Seeing the stock up nearly 10 since earnings day confirms my winship. It is now my largest position — 15% of my portfolio — edge-lording higher.

But today I had to sell two stocks that are down post earnings: CBLK, QTWO. I have no allegiance to them and zero interest in buying more, so they’re gone.

CBLK was a small gain and QTWO was a 4.5% loss.

Over in dog-food land, I kicked out FRPT, which is spiraling higher today without news. I took a 10.5% gain there. I like the concept, but a gain is a gain is a gain.

Moving on, I am now armed with some cash and motivation to find something really good. I have fantastic YTD returns, and overall great mix of trading stocks, wonderful quant portfolio, and disposition to win — because I’m thinking clearly and without distraction.

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Reminder: Stocks Can’t Stay Down

There’s something inherently wrong about being bearish on stocks. I’ve come to re-program myself into believing there is literally nothing that is able to stop the upward march of progress in capital markets. Sure, every so often, brief periods of angst and dissipated zeal edge into the tape — causing an inconvenient ruckus of sorts. But it’s never lasting and it’s always worth buying.

When was the last time we had a really good row in the markets? When was the last time you were scared?

There are some out there who, stupidly, will take a post like this as a legitimate reason to sell stocks — citing feckless anecdotal evidence from some guy from NJ who blogs anonymously and talks shit on Twitter as a reason to fade a bullish opinion. I’ve been talking shit since I was 4, so don’t use me in one of your psychological experiments in high finance. You’ll just end up wrecking yourself and your lifestyle.

Early going I have a mixed bag, with FRPT up and CBLK down. Markets are leaning towards weakness — partly due to the China trade war, but mostly because it’s August and people with money are on vacation and actionable trading is all but automated to a few pikers from the B team.

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VIX NERDS GET IN HERE: Is the Market Ready to Drop?

We’ve all been having a nice time in the market — drunk from the gains and the excess of avarice. But is now a good time to recoil, spit back into the backwash of yesterday’s market winners and take up a new avocation? Perhaps shuffleboarding?

Look at the chart of the VIX and notice how this level is pretty much bottom for the past 5 years. Complacency is at a low point and markets an ebb tide.

My last foray into VIX was via XIV and I got wiped the fuck out clean in it, thanks to not having time to have read the prospectus. On page 147, it clearly stated buyers would get swallowed whole by giant pelicans should the index move higher in any meaningful way.

Although I’m reticent to act upon this, would it be wise, perhaps, to take a step back from high octane balls to the wall earnings plays?

Asking for a friend.

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I’ve made a fortune in this stock the first go around and it has since collapsed. The Chinese sector has been ruined by a certain Donald John Trump — but the WINS of the world are coming back.

At any rate, I’m stepping back into BILI here — because I said I would and because if I’m early, I stand to make a fortune. As always, stop will be ~10% below basis.

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