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Yearly Archives: 2018

Positioning Oblong into Square — Thou Shalt Not Doubt Jack

Not much ado today, other than pace with time. I stepped in and bought some SQ, because Jack can do no wrong and is the bet CEO in America. Granted, he has a passive aggressive proclivity towards authoritarianism; but who am I to judge, a man who created his very own BANNED page and IP redirect into the confines of a certain Greg Solomon for re-education.

Instead of getting mad and fighting like retards, I find it best to fit in with the times. Sure, you can make the argument that conforming is a cowardice and I would agree with that analysis. However, one can presume to be conforming, but actually subversive, biding his time and waiting for the correct moment to strike and strike hard. Can he not? One should know the battlefield and when the odds are unfavorable. Simple waiting for an advantage point to strike isn’t cowardice, but cunning strategy.

With SQ, I am only looking for a small gain, across the magical plane of $100 and a little more.

Top picks: SHAK, TEAM, HUBS, NOW, and ZEN.

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Blew Out of This Monkey Shit — Sitting Here Waiting for Something Fun to Happen

I took a drill to the head with this SVMK, losing 13% during a 1 day hold. Whatever.

Moving on, it seems a lot of chatter surrounding DTEA and cannabis infused teas is percolating again. Some believe this is an industry ripe for expansion, possibly amounting to a market worth $600m.

NBEV already has the infrastructure and the brand in place, via Marley Beverages. Literally no one can compete.

But the market isn’t very accommodative today, in spite of the headline action. Just 58% of stocks are up and the best sectors are utilities. Today is a fine day to accumulate your best patterns.

I’m 20% cash, looking to deploy everything.

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It’s Time to Get Stoned Again, Man

I told you this would happen. I hope you didn’t get hooked into the idea that stocks were going to sally lower.

I have to be honest with you — this is getting boring. But I press on, boats against the current.

Here goes. I bought back NBEV, based off this bizarre move in TLRY — ripping tits to the upside. That’s it. We’re all gonna get stoned now. Drink up lads.

That aside, I am happily and merrily and gayly long SVMK, EB, WK and TEAM, as well as many others.

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If You Sold Stocks Today, You’re An Idiot

I just got done eating supper. I made steamed lemon sole in a fish veloute sauce. With the fish were some sautéed potatoes and English peas. I eat my peas every single time, even when they taste bad. In my case, as is always true when I am cooking, the peas were very good.

After a supper like that, I’m still hungry and will probably make some coffee to cessate my appetite.

I just wanted to log on tonight to remind you that you’re an idiot if you sold stocks today, even dumber if you sold short. I have a lot of theories on life and people, and they’ve been evolving quite a bit in recent years. I no longer wish to wantonly insult anyone, since it serves no purpose other than to enjoy laughter of the superfluous nature. As a man who is rapidly aging and becoming quite odious, I do not believe a person, such as myself, should enjoy superfluous laughter. I try to read a lot, never science fiction rubbish or motivational FAGbooks. I only read the classics, harkening back to an era when I was supposed to be born. Now I have to deal with transgenders running around cutting dicks off. It’s absolutely maddening.

I have some of this Eventbright, ticker EB, and some of this gorilla monkey shit, SVMK, alongside a fuckload of SAAS stocks. Listen to me now, if you’re not spending 75% of your time formulating a plan to profit off SAAS, you’re wasting time and energy.

I think I’ll log the fuck off now. Not much to say anymore. Just try to remember that you’re as stupid now as the day you were born, same goes with your wife, parents, and most certainly your kids.

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Don’t give me yield curve excuses. And I don’t want to hear about the Fed. Markets fell on no news — nothing at all, not even a single thing. Look at the pin action in the Nasdaq. Totally fucking normal.

I won’t be scared or shaken from my comfy treehouse. Let the poor people worry about jobs or the economy. I own stocks and they’re built for win and supposed to trade higher. As a matter of fact, they will trade higher. You’ll see. Keep betting against progress — see where it get you — you middle earth lookin’ can of corn eating faggot.

I have it in me to absorb ruinous losses and am able to withstand any weather, no matter the climate. But this is easy. Buy the dips, drink gimlets, collect winnings. Repeat.

The 2-10 yield curve is now 23bps, as we barrel towards perdition.

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Long $SVMK, In Spite of Suspicious Death of Founder

The founder of this company was found suddenly dead a few years back and I’ve always raised an eyebrow at his wife. You can google it for yourselves. I’d rather not get enabled in a liable suit. Nevertheless, this is one of the key players in SAAS and I’d be retarded if I didn’t step in on this IPO day and acquire some shares.

Plus, it has the backing of SAAS guru, Jason Lemkin, always a nice side note.

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Fly Buy: $ROST

I’m in the yard now, smoking my estate pipe, typing with one hand. Just a few moments ago, I bought ROST with both hands — for the hundy roll.

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Congratulations to the Federal Reserve For Finally Winning the Financial Crisis

It took years for them to be at the spot they’re at now — errantly jacking rates higher, like clowns in a slippery showroom, based upon some premise that inflation is running hot — when anyone who’s traveled in America knows there are two different economies — the proverbial haves and have nots. I suppose the have nots do not matter all that much. Aside from their numbers, their economic output is not all that important, might as well cater to the folks in NY and Santa Barbara.

After numerous bailouts and subsequent attempts to extricate themselves from the jambox of zero interest rates, the Fed has finally won over the market. Gone are the days when hikes would be met with acrimonious, heart wrenching, market declines. There was a time, not too long ago, when even the notion of tapering or hiking rates would send stocks seaworthy and into the black. Now the Fed does as it likes.

Today the Fed, led by the very sneaky Jerome Powell, will hike to 2-2.25%, and then warn of future hikes. It’s pretty much a lock for December, and then we’ll go higher in 2019. The Fed will continue to press the faces of the indebted middle class until the economy breaks, cracking it asunder, bringing forth a new crisis by which they could rearrange the chairs on the deck and create a new relevancy for their existence.

Without these faux crisis, I’m afraid public support for this private institution, with the power to lend money with an interest rate to the US, isn’t something tangible.

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Full Transparency — Come See My Entire Trading Portfolio, Dare to Critique It

I have nothing to hide because my skills, for the time being, are very real. All of my trades happen in real time and are emailed and/or texted to members of Exodus. My losses are promoted just as aggressively as my losers. When I lose, I relish in the gory details — because it makes me work harder and it helps me see things for what they really are.

Often times when things are good and I am enjoying myself, I lose focus and take for granted the wonderful era I was born into — a time and a place in the world that permits to live in peace, comfort, and success. My wife’s family is S. American and the median income there is $10-15 per day. This isn’t a far away distant circumstance that is never touched. I just met some these people who were visiting last week. They’ve never used Amazon or knew about my echo devices, or even seen a natural gas fireplace enveloped in marble, in real life.

Be grateful for where you are and how you live and for the people who worry about your health.

That being said, go fuck yourselves. You cannot begin to compare to Lord Fly. If trading stocks was a battlefield, I’d be the guy running around axing people in the heads with my hammer-blade.

I am going to show you my entire active portfolio, not because I am boasting for the gains soon to come, but because I am a very generous man. My blog is niche and not mainstream, but it is the best and no one does what I do anymore. There is an art of effective blogging, a subtle give and take with the readership that both entertains and draws in people to read religiously. I endeavor to improve the lives of everyone reading me, one way or another, whether by culture or by monetary gains — preferably both.

You watch those positions over the next few days and bear witness to my winship. Get the hell inside Exodus and book a demo with me. We’ll shoot the breeze for half an hour and then I will teach you what you need to be told.

Off to see Sicario.

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Markets Will Rip Higher From Here — A Sundry of New Buys Now

The wonderful algorithms of Exodus are now oversold on the 3 and 6 mo algos — pointing to a face ripping rally soon. It doesn’t mean it will happen. It simply means that, over the past 6 months, these type of declines have been met with unrestrained buying programs.

I measure this shit, so you don’t have to.

As such, I made a few purchases and one sale. I sold my “hedge, YANG, for a minor loss. And I bought NOW, BAND, and TEAM. With TEAM, that is my second purchase, making it a doubled sized position.

My cash position is down to about 30% and I have a mind to see to it the entirely of it gets invested. This market was built for me and I can comfortably declare that there isn’t a better trader in America now, than Le Fly — trader extraordinaire, debonaire fellow easing thru life by his God given talents.

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