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Trump Desperately Tries to Talk Up Markets Via Twitter

This is the part of the narrative when nothing works to instill confidence, especially not the President via Twitter. Here’s Trump quoting a Wells Fargo analyst in a desperate attempt to provide succor for markets.

And here’s Trump trying to congratulate himself for up stocks, while at the same time painting a grim picture for stocks should you vote democrat. With this tweet, he’s saying ‘vote for those fuckers and this downward dog will last forever.’

I really hate the fact he did this. The markets were set to bounce and now he spoiled it with weak man tweets. Markets want confidence now, not bitter trash talking. I suspect we might sell off a little more before the ship is steadied. Nasdaq futures are flat, but copper and WTI are lower by 1.5%.

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  1. kdogg1787

    Prices were not yet to his liking. He has the power.

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  2. one-eighty

    Two years ago you were a card carrying member of the Trump cult, fire hosing the Kool-Aid.

    So STFU.

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