18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,563 Blog Posts


All of the empirical evidence that I’ve reviewed indicates the market, for lack of a better term, is completely and utterly fucked. I don’t want it to be this way — but it’s just the way it is.

Earlier this morning, under the auspices of my time machine, I sold out of EVBG, BOOT, and FIVN for a break even. I also sold NEW for a 7.8% loss. Chalk up two losses in excess of 7% today, counting the very fat and lazy DECK.

Those sales pushed me over 50% cash and I took some of it to purchase TZA — in order to hedge a little.

My quant portfolio is off by 1% and blood is truly about to run thru the streets like a mad lion chasing down zebra.

Do not be the zebra; protect your necks now else you might find it resting quietly in a nice wicker basket before long.

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  1. numbersgame

    I’m not sure about this post. I saw a blog yesterday in which the guy thinks just the opposite. He has a lot of followers, so maybe you should take a look at his blog:

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    • speerothekid

      Thu Jul 26, 2018 9:50pm EST
      > Listen to me. I literally know more about stocks than you could learn over 10 separate lifetimes.
      >Stocks are going to forklift, the fuck, higher tomorrow — reducing all of the pathetic bears into sausages to be eaten by my dogs.

      Fri Jul 27, 2018 11:40am EST
      >All of the empirical evidence that I’ve reviewed indicates the market, for lack of a better term, is completely and utterly fucked.


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  2. joyous__ending

    Bring on the Exodus oversold signal to load up the truck again.

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  3. og

    Rigged numbers? It’s like we’re China.

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  4. jbandy

    Seems like your typical mid-earnings season swoon to me that happens when the market gets ahead of itself. We tank for a few days and then as earnings come in generally positive, individual stocks rebound quickly.

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  5. soupbone

    OK numbers time; if an investor is never wrong how long will it take to amass all the money in the world? I’m thinking pdq. Now the wealthiest folk in the world are 60 billion worth. So they have been wrong a large amount of time. What percentage of decisions are correct to get that level? Right 65% of the time might do it….

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    • numbersgame

      Soupbone, take a look at the timestamps again.

      2150EST, well after the markets closed and earnings – including facebook were already well-known. Then, less than three hours after the amrket opened, Fly indicated that he had already sold his positions ealeri that morning. So you can draw one of two conclusions:

      1) Fly read the market in the morning and within 2 hours realized that he made a terrbile mistake or
      2) Fly deliberately misled his readers last night

      However both of these conclusions lead to a second conclusion: you can’t rely on Fly’s posting to make trading decisions.

      Now to be clear, I think that Fly’s overall blog is quite helpful, particularly to those new to the markets. Secondly, perhaps subscribers to Exodus will get more timely advice. Thirdly, I haven’t been keeping good track, but I’m pretty sure that Fly outperforms most investment advisors. Particualrly when we hit a bear market, most investment advice goes to compelte sh!t.

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