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An Analysis of the Trump-Bartiromo Exchange Which Involved President XI, Chocolate Cake and Missile Strikes

When I saw the Fox Business interview with Maria Bartiromo and Donald Trump, I was perplexed by what I had just bored witness to. It’s not every day that you get to sit on the precipice of world war, and rarely do you get to see an interview as bizarre as this one. First, go watch the exchange and then come back for proper analysis.

BARTIROMO: When you were with the president of China, you’re launching these military strikes.


So, he decided to attack Syria with Russia in it during dinner time with President Xi. Was this happenstance or by design? I’m thinking design.

BARTIROMO: Was that planned?

How did that come about that it’s happening right then, because right there, you’re saying a reminder, here’s who the superpower in the world is, right?

TRUMP: You have no idea how many people want to hear the answer to this. I have had — I have watched speculation for three days now on what that was like (INAUDIBLE).

What the fuck is going on with Maria Bartiromo here? Is this merely the case of a woman being attracted to an alpha male, in this case bombing the shit out of evil doers? Notice how Trump didn’t answer whether he planned to bomb over dinner or not? That’s because he planned it.

Trump’s answer was boastful — elated to share the gossip with a fellow conservatard.

“Now for dessert, the President would like to inform you of war.”

BARTIROMO: When did you tell him?

TRUMP: But I’ll tell you (INAUDIBLE)…

Wow, what the fuck is going on here? Maria practically jumped out of her seat upon learning that he’d share the gosp.

BARTIROMO: Before dessert or what?

TRUMP: But I will tell you, only because you’ve treated me so good for so long, I have to (INAUDIBLE) right?

Trump decides to reward her for good behavior. Here it comes.

I was sitting at the table. We had finished dinner. We’re now having dessert. And we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen and President Xi was enjoying it.

And I was given the message from the generals that the ships are locked and loaded, what do you do?

And we made a determination to do it, so the missiles were on the way. And I said, Mr. President, let me explain something to you. This was during dessert.

We’ve just fired 59 missiles, all of which hit, by the way, unbelievable, from, you know, hundreds of miles away, all of which hit, amazing.

BARTIROMO: Unmanned?


What the fuck did I just read? Is there anything more gluttonous than bombing a country over dinner whilst eating chocolate cake? The decadence of that moment must’ve been surreal. As you could see by the facial expressions of Bartiromo, she was definitely envisioning herself in the ornate room with President Trump and Xi — devouring the rich, velvety, creamy, chocolate cake —  brimming with hedonism — relishing the idea of killing people solely for the purpose of expressing power.

TRUMP: It’s so incredible. It’s brilliant. It’s genius. Our technology, our equipment, is better than anybody by a factor of five. I mean look, we have, in terms of technology, nobody can even come close to competing.

Now we’re going to start getting it, because, you know, the military has been cut back and depleted so badly by the past administration and by the war in Iraq, which was another disaster.

So what happens is I said we’ve just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq and I wanted you to know this. And he was eating his cake. And he was silent.


Ooh, the intrigue. Plus one for Maria for reminding Trump on who he bombed. And a bigly shout out to President Trump for finding out the mathematical advantage that we have over our adversaries.

“We are better than thou by a factor of thrice. Good day to you Sir.”

TRUMP: Yes. Heading toward Syria. In other words, we’ve just launched 59 missiles heading toward Syria. And I want you to know that, because I didn’t want him to go home. We were almost finished. It was a full day in Palm Beach. We’re almost finished and I — what does he do, finish his dessert and go home and then they say, you know, the guy you just had dinner with just attacked a country?

BARTIROMO: How did he react?

Again, giddy, the two of them were enjoying a moment as if they were sharing a secret in the privacy of their upper library –domiciled in the eastern wing of their palatial estates. Trump dropped the bomb on Xi, while eating chocolate cake, fattened up by all of the excesses the Mar a Lago staff had prepared for the men.

TRUMP: So he paused for 10 seconds and then he asked the interpreter to please say it again. I didn’t think that was a good sign.

(nervous) What will he say? Will he get up, say ‘fuck you’ and declare war, or finish his cake and agree to wanton hostilities with other super nuclear powers?

And he said to me, anybody that uses gases — you could almost say or anything else — but anybody that was so brutal and uses gases to do that young children and babies, it’s OK.

BARTIROMO: He agreed.

TRUMP:He was OK with it. He was OK.

Whew, thank God President Xi is against using ‘gasses’ on babies, otherwise that course might’ve ended a bit awkward.

In short, the President exerted his muscles, knocked out a Syrian military airbase for a few hours, risked WW3 with Russia, and got to enjoy the very best chocolate cake with the President of China. Everyone won.


Not everyone agreed that Trump’s dinnertime war announcement was the best moment in American diplomacy.

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  1. skulduggery

    Not following Dr. Savage’s logic, exactly, but I am concerned with the continual public embarrassment heaped upon Russia and Putin.

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    • frog

      Yes, Putin’s propaganda efforts in The U.S. have been so successful that tons of Americans are taking Putin’s side on every issue– even agreeing with Putin that he has made no propaganda efforts in the U.S. and that he did not influence the election on the side of an unstable unpredictable insane clown president.

      Why trust Americans, when you can put your full faith and trust in the Kremlin, right?

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      • dp909rev

        Blah blah I have community college liberal arts degree in snowflakeology and Dorezzall transracial studies, Hillary pantsuit seizure salad fake news poop bus in a ditch, Bill Clinton is a rapist like John Podesta who likes “pizza” with John McCain who blew up the Forrestall Sans Pants because Gump said life is like a box of….chocolates. Chocolate cake. FTW!!! Tomahawks for all! Corey Trevor get in the car, Julian Bubbles!

        If my post made sense to you or changed your life, then give me a thumbs up and PayPal me $1.00.

        Now you know how I feel reading Frogs posts.

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  2. frog

    How could there be risk of war with Russia, when Russia– and therefore Assad– were notified ahead of time that the strike was coming. Trump maybe asked Putin how to make things look like Trump was not colluding with Putin during the election.

    And maybe Putin said “How about a strike against Assad where nothing important is damaged, and he can continue killing people in the same city the next day from the same air base that the U.S. bombed, because the bombs didn’t even take out the air strips?” And maybe Trump said “Okay, Puty, great idea.”

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    • dp909rev

      Ever try DMT? It will change your life. Might open your mind to something besides your talking points. Just sayin….

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  3. Dr. Fly


    You repeat the same gibberish in every thread. Either Russophobia or right wing conspiracies are haunting your thought process. For the sake of keeping people interested in your ideas, you should offer more original, less canned and obviously ridiculous, narratives and ideas.

    In all, you’re simply a partisan hack and that’s not enlightening.

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    • moosh

      Imagine a scenario that Russia had info “drones” of an isis/AL Qaeda/thugs terrorist attack in Syria and is actually working with us incognito to further the war on terrorism drawing them out all emboldened. You know, Russians factually bombing fucking isis and us not caring one bit, as opposed to the current “assad sarin” gassing.

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      • moosh

        Just a crazy, high as fuck thought for frog to psychoanalyze incorrectly with in her constant never self thinking loop.

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    • frog

      I guess I am your mirror image then, Fly. Sees that Russophilia and Right Wing conspiracies which you actually believe in, are haunting your own thought processes.

      As far as my narratives being ridiculous, I can’t hold a candle to you. You’re the Master there, posting all the Right Wing nut cases and their ravings.

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  4. s.k.

    Excellent post. This interview could be easily mistaken as a satirical sketch on the state of our society. It’s fucking depressing, and yet there are people here, and on a wider scale, who will still gleefully gobble this man’s balls blindly unaware of the bigger picture.

    Cue ball gobblers in 3,2….

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  5. ironbird

    Gotta love the dudes straight looks into the camera. Method. On Savage. How one can live in San Francisco and be the voice for flyover country. Who knows. Does not compute. Beyond the supposed food that place is Babylon Globalist.

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  6. roundwego

    He is so getting pussI from her.

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  7. juice


    Why Russia has become the number-one target in the US press

    by Jon Rappoport

    April 12, 2017

    The new devil in the US press, as of last summer, was Russia. All of a sudden. And then, in the wake of the election, the devil became the DEVIL. Was this nothing more than an attempt to discredit Trump and his victory?

    No. It was definitely something more.

    As David Icke stated on the Richie Allen show a few days ago, Russia was the player who was standing in the way of the long-term goal to get rid of Assad in Syria and turn the country into a hellhole like Libya.

    The US government and its allies had created, funded, and armed the group called ISIS, the proxy force for, among other operations, wiping out the Assad government in Syria. The Syria op was a slam-dunk…until it wasn’t. Until Putin stepped in and gave air support to Assad’s troops and turned the war around, bringing it to the brink of, God forbid, actual peace negotiations.

    That outcome was definitely NOT on the agenda of the US Project for a New American Century, the neocon playbook for destabilizing the Middle East.

    Putin was standing in the way. He was screwing up The Plan. He was winning.

    Therefore, another WMD (as in Iraq) situation was required. This time, based on no reasonable evidence, the reported weapon would be sarin gas, and the place would be Syria, and the perpetrator would be Assad. And before the sarin-Assad claims could be studied fully, it was time for a response, an attack, a missile strike. The objective? Destroy the peace process in Syria, paint Assad as the killer.

    Trump went along. He pulled the trigger. He was fed “evidence” that Assad was killing his own people with outlawed chemical weapons, and he ordered the missile strike.

    And now, every neocon in Washington who can get press coverage is saying the Trump has, for the first time, “become the president.”

    And that’s true, if by “president” we mean a person who is ingesting “evidence” and taking marching orders from above; from what has been called the Deep State.

    A State dedicated to endless war.

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  8. dopefeller

    “the guy you just had dinner with just attacked a country”

    What a shit piece.


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  9. hattery

    North Korea is the one we better not fak-ahp(sic).
    Zero margin of error.

    US has naval war ships headed to Pyongyang, China has 150k troops outside of the NKorea border, and Lil Kim is ordering mass evacuation of 650,000 people in the city.

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  10. dmfracer

    Can’t a guy have one guilty pleasure of bombing while eating dessert? Sheesh.

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    • Po Pimp

      Have you seen Trumps’s physique? Dude needs to lay off the desserts.

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  11. JakeGint

    The cake was both misdirection and metaphor. It’s a study in nonchalance worthy of one of the better Coppola pictures.

    We’ll see how “kooky” he is.


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