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All Eyes on Deutsche Bank Ahead of What Should Be Miserable Earnings or Lack Thereof

I hope you’re all enjoying the markets today, the little boy on the tricycle — hastily speeding around the edges of a volcano. There are so many narratives to talk about, in light of the recent blow ups at UA-CMG-AAPL. But I’d prefer to fixate on DB.

Their earnings are coming out tomorrow and they’re expected to post dismal results, a loss in the magnitude of 610m euros. Sales are expected to decline as much as 12% to 1.9b euros. And, moreover, they’ll likely discuss the evergreen burden of litigation costs — in light of the DOJ’s $14b fuck you.

I expect numbers to come in much worse than expected, especially since the company was under extreme duress for most of the quarter. Full disclosure, I am short DB and hope and pray to the Gods that it unravels like a ball of yarn — sliding down a steep ramp and into the claws of a vicious cat.

That being said, the price action of the market is reminiscent of dozens of apathetic tapes prior to a big move. Naturally, there are those who believe that move is going to be higher — all entirely possible. My only reservation against the bullish backdrop is the inexorable fact that nothing on the ground speaks to an energetic economy. It seems to me, the only spirited rise these days is in populism — seeing Americans wake up to the rot and waste around them.

Nonetheless, central banks will continue to rig markets in order to preserve their place atop the capstone of the ruling elite. But every so often, the plebeians get to peer at the hideous visage — marred by decades of corrupt and overzealous policies. I do believe we will see such a thing in the earnings of DB tomorrow.

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  1. bushwacker2

    Methinks a portion of that $14B DOJ “fuck you” will go to some questionable John Podesta non-profit / NGO for the advancement of voter registration (aka voter fraud), and other nefarious doings like buying GSoros voting machines and other operations for Democratic libtard reprobates.

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  2. john_galt

    The only fly in the ointment of a crash is the upcoming election. After that, all hell is likely to break loose.

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  3. it is showtime

    Price action on the djia from 1040am to 1045
    1050am to 1055 was not government computers

    Whoops correction it was government computers
    Waiting with hold in place directives until instructed

    Hold in place directives literally from 11am – 1:00
    Drifting then saved at 2pm when someone hit it

    your stock market, knowing aapl would be weighing

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  4. roundwego

    what the fuck. now Obama is implicated even more. veritas explains.


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  5. the_swatter

    fly: u r nutso to b shorting this — i spoke with DB’s ceo’s friend 2weeks ago and he told me the biggest worry said ceo has is that they’ll be nationalized; extrapolate accordingly…

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  6. roundwego

    adding to DB shorts as recommend by swatter. thank buddy.

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    • the_swatter

      good for u round — the Bundesbank will rip ur face clean off.

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      • roundwego

        why so desperate? your in deep huh? greed kills.

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        • the_swatter

          i am not in at all — wouldn’t gamble this play with fly’s 100ft swatter or you 2″ cock…

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  7. roundwego

    The brits are worried about DB and Italian banks. That’s why they got out.


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  8. roundwego

    why would any person stay at DB if they had any talent?

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  9. roundwego

    They are into assholes more than pussy now.

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