18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Notable Outperformers in an Otherwise Dreadful Day

With 85% of stocks lower today, I took a look at stocks with caps greater than $10b, in an effort to see where money is flowing.

Thanks to Samsung blowing themselves up, literally, Apple is rising. I mean, really, could you have a worse product launch than what Samsung did? That fucking phone burned down cars and houses. It nearly burned down an entire plane. Whoever designed that phone should be forced to live out the rest of his days in a FOXCONN slave factory for the rest of his life.

I see YUM is higher. That might have something to do with the fact that BWLD is serving fried chicken heads with tongues and beaks to star NFL players.

Other than that, gold is a notable defensive play here.


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  1. roundwego

    on the weekly treasuries are at strong support. Pm’s could slide side ways as copper caves in. so my money would go to ark and short miners.

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  2. roundwego

    that fcx short looks good as it looks like a second attempt at the 9.75 breakdown.

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  3. cascadia

    Reminder that your man and mine, Jeffrey Gundlach stated after the last Fed meeting that 2 closes lower than 2132 on the spx could mean a 15% correction coming.

    The market has played out just like he hypothesized: SPX went up to 2180 to test reaction high, and is now flirting with 2132 following the beginning of what could be another net negative earnings season, 4th in a row?


    Board the fucking ark already.

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  4. awanka

    Catamite futures are exploding.

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