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Rumor: Alibaba to Bid for Netflix

This is very, very desirable for me. Personally, Hollywood is boring to me, as well as U.S. media in general. With the purchase of Carmike Theatres by Chinese owned AMC, coupled with a potential BABA for NFLX deal, the great walled nation of China is positioning themselves to control U.S. cinema content.

I know some of you still pine for the days of freedom and ‘rights.’ But you’ve had your ‘fun in the sun.’ Now it’s time for a little middled earth totalitarianism. The American people are a disgusting brand of ‘Don’t Tread on Me‘ flag waving racists. The Chinese rules and censorship will whip this idled, welfare loving, state of catamites– right back into shape.

Unfortunately, this ‘low information’ reporter at RE/CODE doesn’t think the deal will happen. After China buys RE/CODE, I hope they fire him.

Shares of NFLX are sharply higher on this rumor.


It’s worth noting, NFLX is straight up since reporting an abysmal quarter. Good times.

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  1. formergeek

    Whoever controls the media………..

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  2. Marc David

    I say hún dàn (??)

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  3. stockslueth

    I wonder if BABA does by NFLX if there will be heavy censorship? Then in about ten years Chinese with English subtitles. Eventually South China Sea will extend to California. We live in interesting times.

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  4. og

    Cool, I bought after that earnings drop. Commence bidding war!

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  5. cancel19

    So in the not too distant future we will be watching state controlled movies munching on dog meat nuggets instead of buttered popped corn?!

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