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NATO to Send 3,000-4,000 Troops to Poland to ‘Check Russian Aggression’

Those Russians are out of control again, always meddling in our affairs. Just before Russia started to bomb our operatives in Syria, they were doing just fine, expanding their little empire, driving around in our up armored humvees. Then they had to go ruin everything and kill the party. But we’re gonna teach them a thing or two now. NATO is ‘bolstering’ the eastern flank by sending 4 battalions, of the ‘robust’ varietal.

“These battalions will be robust and they will be multinational. They make clear that an attack on one ally will be considered an attack on the whole alliance,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg

Sure, it makes all the sense in the world to saber rattle against a struggling nation with 2,000 ICBMs.

Obama is contributing 1,000 of his Praetorian guard to Europe, in order “to enhance our forward presence in central and eastern Europe”. In addition to Poland, NATO is sending troops to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

The fucking Russians, such aggressors.

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  1. The Maven

    Brilliance. Dammit, I thought the GOP were the warmongers, who knew?

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  2. frog

    If we leave Russia to their own devices, they would take back all of Eastern Europe and split Germany down the middle again. War, in the case of defending a region that is currently free, is not always a bad idea.

    But if you believe that Obama has to be wrong 100% of the time, I suppose that makes Russia right, whenever there is a conflict between Russia and the U.S.

    Russia did indeed mess up Syria. He supported Assad while he destroyed Syrian cities, sending millions of refugees fleeing for their lives to Europe and other parts of the world. If he hadn’t done that, the Syrian people would already have taken Assad down.

    Fly, your man Trump suggested not long ago, to let ISIS take down Assad, and then for the U.S. to go in and pick up the pieces. Trump thinks Assad should be taken down too– even though Putin has been propping up Assad, while he butchers his own people.

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    • t.c.

      Without Assad and Russia, Syria would be ISIS. Assad was fighting ISIS this whole time, while our side was arming them. I can’t tell if you are reading too much Mother Jones or are watching too much Sesame Street. Lay off the weed, before you turn into a reptile.

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    • juice

      Frog – simply put; you are a victim of US state department propaganda fed to it media arms.


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  3. frog

    Putin did mess up Syria, I meant to say.

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  4. helicopter money
    helicopter money

    LOL people here watch way to much USA propaganda on the tube. We are using ISIS to lay seige to Assad so we can destabilize another country in order to move gas pipelines through. Not to mention the threat to the Petro dollar if Assad is still kicking about. Turkey was housing ISIS and the CIA is arming them. There are even cases where militias armed by the Pentagon fight militias armed by the CIA. http://www.military.com/daily-news/2016/03/28/in-syria-militias-armed-by-the-pentagon-fight-those-armed-cia.html

    TLDR; The USA wants you to believe what they tell you. Back to work sheep!

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    • frog

      Here is something from wikipedia on your fave news source military.com

      “Military.com has been criticized for acting as a lead generator for subprime for-profit colleges. Its clients include ITT Technical Institute, Art Institutes, Lincoln Technical Institute, Kaplan University, American Intercontinental University and Full Sail University. Its partner in lead generation, QuinStreet, previously settled with the US government after being accused of preying on veterans. “

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      • helicopter money
        helicopter money

        Reliable enough for me.

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        • frog

          Just as some other “news source” that says the opposite is reliable enough for someone else. And neither of you have ever been to Syria. So you are just trusting whoever you decide to trust, for whatever reason you decide to trust them.

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  5. frog

    Probably none of us has ever been to Syria. So we are all having to take someone else’s word for what is happening. But everyone is so absolutely certain that their own “news sources” are the ones telling the truth, and the other guy’s sources are propaganda.

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    • chuck bennett

      Hi Frog

      Russia wants to take Eastern Europe? They can’t even take back eastern Ukraine where Russians actually live. You are mistaken and no doubt listening to right wingers too much. Shame on you.

      They messed up Syria? Like stopping oil sales for Isis and sexual slavery sales. I know what you mean.

      Do you know why ISIs uses our weapons and operates our tanks? I’m sure it’s not Cuz we supplied them and trained them. Of course not.

      Get over it.

      I will not ask your age. I have lost interest


      Chuck Bennett

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