18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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Markets Close at All-Time Highs, Bolstered By a Ragingly Robust Jobs Market

The S&P 500 closed at new and fresh and fantastic all time highs. Just two weeks removed from the devilish BREXIT vote, markets have, seemingly, erected itself upon a new petard and has skyrocketed in kind. All of the fear has been reduced to ash. Short sellers have been castrated and kicked into perimeter drains for all the world to see.

In spite of this robust American sledgehammer of an economy, the Federal Reserve remains idled, unable to move for fear of upsetting markets.

German 10yr bunds are yielding close to -0.20% and the entirety of the Swiss curve, all the way out to 50 years, is negative. All of these things are, of course, great news for equity holders.

All of the banks are mired in some sort of purgatory, eagerly awaiting for this glorious bull market to spread its tentacles to every crevice of the market.


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  1. Caffeinated

    AUY is up, TLT more than floats. Life is good

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  2. sia

    The 10-2 year treasury yield has not inverted sir.

    Treasury yields are still flattening, yes, but they have yet to invert, which is the ‘predictor’ of recession. Yield curve was very flat in 1995, but it took it 5 years to actually invert and for the market to peak… So perhaps you are also 5 years early?
    Time will tell. I am just glad I haven’t sold anything in my 401k.

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  3. joyous__ending

    Stay bullish.
    There were two kinds of people today, those who made money in stocks, and those who held up a sign.
    The bull has no respect for social unrest or social justice, the market IS equality.
    You otherwise might as well be a drunk tourist in Pamplona.

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    • it is showtime
      it is showtime

      You mean stay greedy. greedy fucking america why do you think we’re having all the problems we’re having

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      • joyous__ending

        “Don’t get mad, don’t get even, get ahead”

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  4. moosh

    So which side is bullish?http://schrts.co/e00eOD

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    • moosh

      Who’s buying $YETI IPO next week? Everyone I see are already walking around with comparable knock offs…

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  5. bizerkus

    People still don’t get it. It’s time to minimize the maximum real risk that exists right now, not the time to try to make as much money as you can using whatever defunct crystal ball you think you have. Time to be a giraffe, not a bull, bear or pig.

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