18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Alas, the bookmakers have become irrelevant, yet again. Personally, I don’t trust any statistic that involves the transfer of money. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why people got hard ons over the bookmakers stats, showing an overwhelming majority of Brits wanted to stay in the EU. That poll is tainted because it is manipulated by people who have a monetary interest and also because it’s operated by mountebanks of the very first magnitude.

In the real world, outside of smashed in faces and cigar eating animals, the people have spoken and they’re leaning towards leaving the catamite infested EU.


As a result, markets have faded, once again, as people fear monger themselves out of potentially profitable equities.


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  1. one-eighty

    What’s your prediction Fly?
    I’m already on record.
    in 50.4
    out 49.6

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  2. infinitezuul

    The UK will not be allowed to leave the EU. The vote is already decided.

    In a world manipulated by a select few global elite, why would we assume this vote to be untainted?

    I think the smart money is uninterested in polling and very interested in higher-level intent, and the intent is to have the UK stay. There is already massive cover for Bremain to win: celebrity endorsement, threats of economic fallout, expert opinions, a freaking MP murdered by a UK nationalist, etc etc.

    No matter what the actual voting figures, it is more than possible to convince the world that Bremain won.

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    • traderconfessions

      Yes, the New World Order is upon us!

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      • infinitezuul

        For the record, and because you have shown yourself to have extreme political bias, I’m very short gold right now and have no political, religious, or ideological allegiance other than to keep my eyes open and avoid falling into the same trap you very clearly have, you swine: that of emotional blackmail.

        You are aware that governments and corporations are going global in tandem and becoming one in the same through the tax code, yes?

        Is that the Old World Order? You suggest it is with your pedestrian sarcasm and you are wrong. I want to call you swine again but will refrain because I am a gentleman and not swine like you.

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      • frog

        I had to look up this New World Order thing.

        “As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government.”


        That doesn’t sound likely to happen, to me. However, multi-national corporations are getting more and more control of the world– often dwarfing the power of governments.

        Infinitezuul, why not just tolerate people’s different opinions? For all you know, maybe TraderC’s idea of NWO is the same as the “governments and corporations going global in tandem and becoming one and the same through the tax code” that you refer to.

        And if that is so, then maybe the 2 of you are even in agreement.

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      • infinitezuul

        I tolerate all opinions and reserve the right to disagree, but more importantly I am very much in favour of clarification when necessary. That was the intent of my second comment.

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    • Dr. Fly

      The oligarch will have their way. Now turn over your means to defend yourself from them in the name of gun control.

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      • traderconfessions

        I shall never relinquish my cache of bazookas and very long rifles. The Oligarchs, whomever they might be, shall be routed from their homes, and with catamites in tow, be forced to ride a stinky D train to the bowels of the former greatest city on Earth. Let President Savage deliver us.

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        • Dr. Fly

          They are House DuPont.

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        • infinitezuul

          I don’t have a gun, but I would be happier if everyone was required to have a gun versus a complete ban on guns. This is because I am not a coward and believe in the general good of mankind. I also value a polite society.

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        • frog

          There will never be a complete ban on guns in the U.S. and no one in government is discussing anything remotely like that.

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        • infinitezuul

          Frog – hi. And yes, I agree. There will never be a total ban on guns. There will also never be a requirement that everyone own and carry a gun. I am only saying that because of my faith in humanity, but specifically in Americans, I would prefer the unrealistic scenario where every American is made to carry a loaded gun versus the unrealistic world where all guns are banned effectively and completely.

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        • frog

          Oh, I see, infinitezuul. Gosh I don’t know which of those 2 things I would prefer. I am very glad that we have many other choices than just those 2.

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  3. frog

    I think they’d be better off leaving, but I think they’ll remain. Like most people everywhere, I think they’ll make things easier for themselves in the short run–here by staying– but fail to consider the long run. In the long run, if they stay, they’re in a union with all these countries that disagree in lots of important economic areas and don’t get along with one another.

    As for gun control, nothing remotely resembling that is happening

    Senate Rejects 4 Gun Proposals Inspired By Orlando Attack

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  4. bearraid

    A semi would be better than a stick. We aren’t Australians, you will have a fight on your hands if your beloved dear leaders attempt to confiscate 100’s of millions of firearms from citizens. We aren’t giving them up. Period. It wouldn’t be one person vs. the might of the US government, that’s just silly. Thousands, or more, would die on each side. Hope that’s worth it to you.

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    • frog

      My dear beloved leaders? Well, since no one is trying to attempt to confiscate 100’s of millions of firearms from citizens right now, nor has anyone in power at this time even suggested doing so, what leaders exactly are you referring to? Obama has had 7-1/2 years as president. If he wanted to do that, he would at least have mentioned it by now. This idea that Obama wants to take everyone’s guns away is simply a scare tactic to get people to vote Republican.

      It certainly works, since Republicans hold the majority in both Houses of Congress. But it’s a lie.

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      • chuck bennett

        Frog. A scare tactic to vote for republicans ? Haha.

        Come on, they don’t need to do that. They only need to show Hilary off. That will scare them good.


        Chuck Bennett

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  5. one-eighty

    Come on kids!

    Lets see your predictions on the Brexit vote.

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