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In Spite of the GOP Spending $40 Million Attacking Trump, He Leads by 17% in Florida

Fucking gimps.

I get the democrats hating on Trump. As a point in fact, I’d expect you to dislike his policies, as they counter your perverse ideologies. The reason why I’m so outspoken about Trump is because of the opposition within the GOP, a party that I disdain with every fabric of my life force. Their corruption and cowardly schemes are being laid bare, for all to see. They are without shame in their blatant attempts to steal the election. Their actions will, undoubtedly, destroy the republican party, which is the only silver lining in this whole mess.

Whether they like it or not, the sheep have voted for Trump. Instead of accepting this reality, in true elitist fashion, they are openly talking about rigging the primaries by ‘brokering’ the convention. In other words, if Trump gets an overwhelming majority of the votes, but falls short of securing the required ‘pledged delegates’, due to it being a 4 man race, the GOP believes they have the right to strip him and appoint the winner via ‘brokered’ aka rigged election.

No fucking taxation without representation comes to mind.

At any rate, they’ve spent upwards of $40 million trying to destroy Trump in Florida, with one retarded ad after the next. The net result: Trump’s polling ratings keep going up.

The fact that everyone I hate and despise is against Trump, proves to me without a shadow of a doubt, that he is the right candidate. It is the proverbial red badge of courage.


He’s also up by 14% in Illinois.


One does not attempt to stop the runaway Trump train. He/she gets run over by it.

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  1. nocigar

    There’s not a lot of difference between GOP vs Trump and Dems vs Sanders. The Dem elite have a systemic way to rig things (“superdelegates”) whereas the GOP has to improvise.

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  2. lplongo

    Assume you saw that article I linked a few days ago about how the Rep party plans to stela the nomination from Trump via moving the yardstick before or at the convention? Yep, chicanery exposed. Makes me angry. Even if one doesn’t t like the guy, he did it and it’s his nomination.

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  3. bravo

    Fucking Fly is on FIRE…Fuck stocks. This year is a coming out for Senor Tropicana…AKA Broker A….Right or wrong, IBANKCOIN is fucking ground zero for the truth. Can you all handle it?

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  4. anjing bau

    He needs Ohio as well

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  5. faith grace



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  6. s.k.

    Remember 2008? All the populous furor and support for a young Senator from Illinois who was going to “change things” as an outsider?

    How’d that work out for us?

    Make America Great Again

    Hope and Change.

    The people are clamoring for a Caesar and that’s what they’ll get. This time the other side is louder.

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  7. s.k.

    The only person up there qualified for the job is Kasich. But those guys always get drowned out by the mob.

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  8. Dr. Fly

    haven’t seen it

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  9. ironbird

    Kasich is the human jellyfish Satan. Only women children and fags would vote for that slimy scumbag. lol

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  10. ironbird

    For all the Trump haters. The dude is on Hannity tonight. Pragmatist comes to mind. Probably should listen to the man before judgement.

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    • traderconfessions

      How is the orange fellow a pragmatist? He’s a slimy serial liar though albeit an entertaining one. Jeez, he’s so desperate for adoration that even had to lie about the steaks at his press conference. Pretty pathetic. That anyone believes he is suitable to be President after that performance is crazy. If he really believed half of what he says that would be one thing, but he’s snake-oiling millions of people. He’s laughing at all of us as he drinks bad Trump wine. This guy loves running for President but will hate being President. He has the attention span of a fly according to those who know him well and will meltdown when he realizes that he can’t do shit without Congress. If he gets elected, grab some popcorn.. it will be the best show in town.

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      • frog

        True, ‘dat. But we would all end up wishing the show was happening in someone else’s country.

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      • ironbird

        Jesus Christ man. Think at all for yourself? We need only one frog for entertainment purposes. That fag is golden ignorance. Open that dusty box of a brain you used to use. Just try it brother.

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  11. Dr. Fly

    And the purely evil bitch Hillary is better? You have to be fucking kidding me.

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    • traderconfessions

      I’m not a big fan of Hillary but YES over Trump. Trump is a full of shit narcissist . I’d drink with him but can’t have him run our country. How can any educated person not see the Three-Card Monte he’s running? Especially a New Yorker? We’ve seen this circus act for years.

      Don’t agree with Kasich on some things but prefer him. Would have voted for Bloomberg or Biden in a second.

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      • frog

        I prefer Bernie, but if he doesn’t get the Dem nomination, then Hillary will do far better than a complete narcissist like Trump. He thinks being president is like being a CEO surrounded by Yes men. Obama said on a talk show once that it’s like being on American Idol where all the judges are like Simon Cowell. Trump would have a meltdown in that situation. If he were pres, we would have to hope he wouldn’t push the nuclear button for no rational reason while having his meltdown.

        He is great at marketing himself. But anyone who has every bought something that was wildly over-advertised knows, just because someone is good at marketing does not mean his product is good.

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      • Dr. Fly

        Clinton and everyone else are greedy globalists. Trump is the only nationalist.

        Think about it.

        Also, no man worth 10 bill is an idiot or unstable. Read through the showmanship. He’s a master salesman.

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      • traderconfessions

        Fly, Fly, Fly… such a gullible young man.

        If I want to sell cars or fraudulent real estate classes Trump’s my man. But master salesman isn’t exactly the primary quality of a potential president. If Trump could go one day without bullshitting about something or outright lying I’d give him some thought. Just one day. But he can’t because it’s like asking a rattlesnake not to rattle. The good news he has no shot. Only angry white guys and tramp-stamp white chicks ultimately will vote for him. Plus maybe one financial website founder though I think he’s just playing. Right?

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  12. fxtradepro

    The GOP doesn’t get it. The fact that these super PAC groups and billionaire alliances being formed to stop the “Trump train” is precisely what pushes voters to Trump. They only make the political system look that much more corrupt and colluded. Complete backfire, and this will almost assuredly cause the GOP to reform or die. By the way, where can I order a case of Trump Steaks online? Any info would be forthcoming. Thx, Good night.

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  13. chuck bennett

    Levoy straight up murder son. Saw it yesterday night.

    Trump takes Ohio, no problem.

    It’s going to be a fun show.


    Chuck bennett

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  14. frog

    We do have many of the problems Trump points out, in our country. But just because a marketer states problems accurately, that does not necessarily mean that his product is the solution to the problems. I have seen this form of marketing a zillion times and it is really successful but really deceptive. Once people buy the product, they are always disappointed.

    We really need a Constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. We Americans need to work together toward common goals and to respect one another. We can’t just elect a king who will take care of everything by his own glorious Yugeness and by hating and blaming lots of people for problems, without giving it much thought.

    I know that hatred seems to be the solution to everything. The GOP has successfully sold that to the voters for years. But it isn’t. It’s amazing how much hatred I was getting when I used to read the comments of the trolls here. No need to do that any more, of course. But it’s symptomatic of our nation’s sickness where people think hatred is the answer to problems.

    I agree with TC that Trump, if he becomes pres, is going to be very surprised that he needs Congress to get things done. But he won’t become pres. The Dem nominee is going to win. I’d prefer Bernie. But look at how HIllary is bashed 24/7/365 everywhere, including on Fly’s blog. She definitely looks to be the winner.


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  15. frog

    Obamacare didn’t pave the way for Donald Trump. The GOP’s response to it did.


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  16. jonny

    America deserves Trump.

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  17. sierra water

    Trump is the “Fuck You, You’re Dead” present given by the Establishment’s constituents. I don’t understand why people vote for people who want Ex Machina AI robots or illegal aliens taking over their jobs? What is so good about globalization and automation if it puts Jim Bob out of work all across the rust belt?? What is so cool about having more bar tenders and mortgage agents servicing H1 Visa immigrants? Why not take care of our own with high quality manufacturing jobs.. Who cares if things cost more at Costco.. at least there will better paying jobs here in the us. We as a country are intentionally destroying our way of life in order so Apple and Google can make another 2 pennies next quarter.. Insanity

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  18. superpositron

    All of this doesn’t really matter. Hillary Clinton will win regardless who the republican nominee is.

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    • moneybagz

      Have to disagree Mr. Superpositron, how can one garner the women’s vote when said woman stood by her husband as he continually cheated on her only to further her own career. She is the anti-feminist. Rode her husband’s coattail as he abused her through infidility.

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      • superpositron

        Thats got nothing to do with it. She will simply get more votes then trump in a general election.

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  19. moneybagz

    Side note what if this brokered convention is part of a grand plan to destroy the political 2 party system in which trump sues the Repub party, and it goes to supreme Court and they rule in his favor. Could be a great thing.

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  20. juice

    Sir Fly – we are precisely on the same page regarding all you’ve said.

    Thank you for speaking up.

    Carry on.

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