18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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A Clear Look at the Market, 2015

If you’re down more than 10% this year, you’re either underdiversified, leveraged, or retarded (no offense to the mentally addled).

Running analytics in Exodus this evening, I compiled overall sector returns, YTD, and for all 4,335 stocks in the system, producing median returns for best representation.


As you can see by the chart above, all sectors are lower this year, which makes my 15% returns that much more impressive.

Is “The Fly” a genius? Categorically so.

Does this year’s outperformance grant him clemency for his abysmal 2014 showing? Definitively not.

I am aware there are losses much greater than 6.7% out there, especially amongst traders who live and die by the sword. If you happen to be one of them, sad saps about the school grounds drowining yourselves in styrofoam cups of beer, just know that you’re wholly unqualified to manage assets and should immediately recuse yourselves from the field, else open yourselves to heinuous karmic reprisals.

For all of the noise and tumult thrusted upon the markets in 2015, Le Fly stands supreme, imperially dominant amongst throgs of losers and catamites.


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