ElizaMae’s Bunker Slated to be Raided


I just received word that, come Monday, the giant office occupied for the past 6 months only by yours truly will now be inhabited by another soul.  My once cushy existence here at this company is about to become crowded and I will undoubtedly be forced to compromise some of my freedoms in regard to monitoring the stock exchange.

Nevertheless, I will use this challenge to blog with greater intensity in vigour (sic), undeterred by the prying eyes of lesser, dog brained, beings.

I guess the bright side is that I will no longer be considered the “new guy” around here.  Always good to shed that moniker.

Additionally, being that we are hiring another engineer, I suppose that means business is doing well.

In the meantime, “ElizaMae” continues to spend this morning on far more pressing matters that pertain to neither stocks nor transportation, but will be revealed at some point this weekend on this here blog.  Stay tuned.


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