$FIFU “A Fund for the Modern Investor”



I feel like (read: know that) I am in no way qualified to comment on the markets at this point (hence the lack of content coming from me lately).

Nevertheless, let’s recap.

Last Sunday night I’m on the road thinking about how the world, as we know it, could be coming to an end.  I held off on my previous post because I didn’t want to take to the internet with some trivial bullshit in the face of potential mass insurrection.

I should never have been so fucking naive to think that any of that was true.

This whole game is nothing but fantasy at this point.  How can it be otherwise?

I know for sure that it makes me feel pretty fucking stupid.  I spend so much time and energy trying to figure this shit out, when really, it’s all folly.

Apparently the trick is to try and find some way to determine when an intermediate top is put in and go to cash.  Step 2: wait for political intervention to fix the stock exchange and BUY.  Step 3: repeat.  To hell with Teh Bernank’s printing presses…following this strategy we will have our own fucking printing press.

It’s like investing for fucking idiots.

Except I’m the fucking idiot.  Why the hell am I wasting valuable time every day meticulously recording information that I think can be useful in my attempt to defeat the stock exchange?

Hell, I’ll sell an ETF to iShares and have it listed under ticker symbol $FIFU (aka The Fucking Idiot Fund).  Our strategy is LONG $SPY/$QQQ/$IWM/$DIA/$MDY after policy intervention.  Long $SHY (or some other low risk bond fund) at “the top”, holding until the next policy intervention.  Since 2009 our performance is in-fucking-sane.

So…whispers of Dow 8,000.00 were wafting through the air a mere 5 FUCKING TRADING DAYS ago.  Now plentiful lines of high grade cocaine are being prepped to celebrate the splendor of realized stock market gains.

Question: What is the event that $FIFU fears the most ?

Answer: What if this latest policy intervention is met with indifference?  What if the inevitable gap tomorrow morning is sold? (also questions)

What if this endless stream on liquidity is like eating a ballpark hotdog?  That first one is ohh so tasty.  Hell, even the second one is ok…you don’t have to go for a third….but you do anyway.

You will always regret going for a third fucking ballpark dog.

I don’t want to be a wet blanket, but I would imagine at some point this has to stop working.

Or am I wrong?

Full disclosure: Long (by position size) $MO, $THLD, $CVD, $ICLR, $ETP, $IWM June 76 puts, 60% cash.

My best to you all.


PS. Bernanke has to be in the lead for number of different thumbnail pictures, no?

2 Responses to “$FIFU “A Fund for the Modern Investor””

  1. Who else would get it? Greenspan can’t hang, me thinks. Don’t sweat it man, stay in cash, shit is volatile out there.

  2. its complicated… or is it so simple (as u sugest)? i was thinkin that the powers that be, will do whatever it takes to control the beast (us).lets divide and pillage.

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