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Joined Sep 2, 2009
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Wednesday Happenings

I added to CLP for an average $19.03 a share.  The position was only about 5% of my portfolio going into the day, and so seeing CLP hovering below where I first purchased it, coupled with an announcement that they acquired two major renting operations, I doubled down on margin.  This makes CLP a full position, next to the rest of my holdings.

Meanwhile, I am still not sure if selling out of such a large part of my silver holdings back in December was a smart move.  On the one hand, I’ve used that money to cover my debts; having that burden removed has given me room to breathe easy.  Also, having no debt means I am in a position to buy this market correction without fear. 

On the other hand though, silver is up between 10-20% from where I sold out.

Only time will really tell, but as I still retain a full position in physical silver, I am very much enjoying this run higher, and won’t feel too terrible if the spot price should go to $40 an ounce.

Tonight and last I am busy with various organizations and such; however, the next two items on my agenda are to finish reviewing some additional companies (although I am not in a position to buy any, unless I transfer from an existing one) and to conduct a very thorough analysis on MGM’s books and why I am so stalwart about maintaining exposure to them.

Finally, friends, the 9th floor shall issue the finalized Talir Index at the end of this month.  From thereon, the Talir shall be updated quarterly, for the purpose of illuminating the work that we are doing here.

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  1. Mr. Cain Thaler

    AEC and TLP are ripping higher today. Only BG is down, for whatever gay reason.

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  2. analystbomber

    Peace of mind brings clarity. You will make back the “opportunity cost” of the sold silver. If there is one thing I have learned at this place, it is that there will always be another opportunity as long as you keep looking for it.

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