18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,563 Blog Posts

Markets Slide After Reality Sets in

Maybe it’s not a good idea to buy stocks in the midst of a terrorist attack spree in the Tri state area? Or, maybe people are little jittery ahead of the Fed. Either way, stocks have been selling off after rising more than 100 earlier on.

There’s still some strength found in both the gold and oil markets.

European markets all closed very strong. I’d be surprised to see this little intermission in buying stick. Algos love terror attacks and have always bought them.

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That little afghan shit, who apparently likes to drone out and play video games when he’s not committing acts of terror, has been arrested, after shooting a police officer in Linden, NJ.

There’s a lot of rumors and reports being tossed around, from West Point being locked down to two cops shot in Elizabeth, Nj.

Bottom line: the main suspect has been caught and markets like it.


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Clinton Responds to Recent Terror Attacks by Reminding People the 9/11 Terrorists Weren’t Refugees, Says Trump Helps ISIS Recruit New Terrorists

The fuckery is strong with this one. Hillary took the opportunity, in front of her apparent fake background, to blame Trump for ISIS and to remind us that Islam isn’t to blame and how the 9/11 attacks weren’t committed by refugees.

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Truly Amazing: FDA Grants Fast Track Approval to Controversial $SRPT Drug

I’ve watched this from a far with amazement. This company has a drug for muscular dystrophy that hasn’t been properly tested because the trials have been done without a placebo. There have been many opinions given on this matter and I will not pretend to offer any expertise here now. But the pressure from the public has cause the FDA to give this drug fast track approval. Just a few month ago, this theory was impossible to believe, as it looked like the FDA would reject it.

Big round of applause for those who stuck with it. Shares exploded to the upside on this news.


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Trump: ‘Our Leaders are Stupid’

Trump weighs in on our leaders following this weekend’s terror attacks.



“Thousands of people are pouring into our country, we have no idea what we are doing,” he said. “Our leaders are, I don’t even say weak, I say stupid.”

Blame Pepe the Frog.


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Markets Poised to Rock Higher Following Terror Attacks

Some of you couldn’t care less. You just go about your days without even looking at information. Forget about the news and having to discern what’s real from fake. A great many of you don’t even accept information into your daily process. We’re living through the modern Renaissance, don’t you get it?

Everything that’s available to you, the medicine, the tech, the art, the creativity, is able to enlighten you and make you a better person. But there are entities out there who are being greedy and don’t want you to become informed. They’d prefer that you plod along in the dark ages, mechanically going about your days, so that they could enjoy the light without having to share it with such a sordid brand of low people.

When government policies fail and people get hurt, markets should protest. After all, if it isn’t hurting them in the pockets, it’s not hurting them at all. I realize this is a provocative statement, especially since millions have market exposure via retirement plans. But, there has to be a point when people say ‘get the fuck out of here with this shit’ and walks away from the table. It is rigged.

Bear in mind, this isn’t coming from someone who is eating soured grapes. Aside from one short, I truly don’t have a vested interest in seeing stocks head lower. As a matter of fact, as most of you could attest to, I’ve often been called a ‘perma bull’ on more than one occasion. I’ve changed my bullish position because of central banks, the oil collapse and subsequent debt storm that awaits, and now political instability.

This instability is global and not exclusive to the U.S.

I envy you for being able to come to work and trade XYZ without a care in the world. Hopefully it works out for you in the end. I don’t like to see anyone lose money when speculating, save those fucking devils at the central banks.

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French Video Blogger Says YouTube Menaced Her to Softball Jean-Claude Juncker Interview

A French video blogger said Google/YouTube fuckers pressured her into asking softball questions to the European Commission President and Nigel Farage’s very best friend, Jeane-Claude Juncker. We’ve seen the media bias, especially by internet media, run by Facebook, Twitter and Google, become pervasive and oppressive in recent months. They’re doing the bidding for governments and working directly against the people in a PR effort to promote and endorse government. This, of course, is hard to do with a free internet. Hopefully, the Obama administration is successful in giving away the internet to the UN, so that they could better properly enforce and control the narrative being put forth by so called ‘alt right’ and ‘independent media’ organizations.

A French video blogger selected to interview European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said Sunday she was pressured by YouTube to ask “soft questions” during the webcast.

“I found out they expected for me to ask only very soft questions,” said Laetitia Birbes in a Facebook video about her interactions with YouTube before last week’s interview. “The whole point was to give advertisement to Juncker.”

Birbes, a blogger from the outskirts of Paris, told French news website Rue 89 she was “assured” by YouTube that she was free to ask any question, but that a representative from the video site suggested she ask Juncker questions such as “What is happiness?” and for details on his vintage Nokia phone and dog “Plato.”

But Birbes said YouTube balked at accepting some “more important questions.” She said a YouTube representative advised her he would need to speak to Juncker’s spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud about potential “red-flag” questions.

“At the beginning I realized that YouTube was trying to gently influence me,” Birbes said in her video statement.“Then it got more serious and I felt threatened.”

“What was difficult for me is I felt a ball in my stomach when I talked to the YouTube guy,” Birbes said in her Facebook video, which as of Sunday night had more than 1.2 million views. “Clearly I had a choice: risking to lose everything I’ve been working for until now for asking the question.”

In the same video, Birbes claimed Google offered her after the Juncker interview a chance to become a YouTube ambassador for humanitarian projects, which included a grant of €25,000.

“Are they proposing this contract to buy me off and for not showing the video, not talking about this?” Birbes asked, adding she did not know whether she would accept the offer.

She called on YouTube “to pledge publicly for no more manipulating, threatening and ‘instrumentalizing’ YouTube content makers.”

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Syrian Ceasefire on the Verge of Collapse; Russians Say U.S. Has No Leverage to Influence Facts on the Ground

It appears the ceasefire agreement that John Kerry worked so hard on was nothing but a ruse. Russian intelligence suggests the ‘moderate’ groups backed by the U.S. are merging with ISIS to attack Assad forces, the true enemy of the Obama administration.

The ceasefire is all but dead. Russian officials cited 53 violations of the agreement over the past 24 hours and say the U.S. doesn’t have leverage to broker a peace, or is completely unaware of the facts on the ground.

“Syrian servicemen and peaceful citizens are still dying. The cause of this is the fact the United States has no effective leverage to influence Syria’s opposition and is unaware of the real situation on the ground,” Lieutenant-General Sergei Rudskoi, a senior Russian Defense Ministry official, told a briefing.

“Taking into account the fact that the terms of the ceasefire are not respected by militants, we consider observing it unilaterally by Syrian government forces is senseless.”

This, coming after U.S. aircraft bombed Syrian forces for the benefit of ISIS, which was admitted as being a mistake, calls into question the sincerity of the ceasefire deal to begin with.

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$BLOX Catches a Private Equity Bid, Going Private for $26.50

Finally a deal in the cyber security space. I suspect this bid will stoke interest in the sector, one that has been bereft of common decency, especially in the shares of FEYE.

The co announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Vista Equity Partners, a leading private equity firm focused on software, data and technology-enabled businesses. Under the terms of the agreement, Infoblox stockholders will receive $26.50 per share of common stock in cash, which represents a 33% premium to Infoblox’s average closing share price over the last 60 trading days, and a 73% premium to Infoblox’s unaffected closing price as of May 11, 2016, when media reports of interest in acquiring Infoblox were first published. The transaction values Infoblox at approximately $1.6 billion. The agreement was unanimously approved by Infoblox’s Board of Directors.

Infoblox’s Board of Directors received and thoroughly evaluated multiple indications of interest before deciding to proceed with this transaction. The transaction is expected to close in Infoblox’s fiscal second quarter, subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals.

Here is the sector, courtesy of Exodus.


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Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, is wanted for the attacks that occurred over the weekend, which authorities believe were all linked to a single terror cell. It’s worth noting that Mayor DeBlasio, fuckhead in Chief, is wearing a mask made from eggs this morning, as he was unwilling to call the obvious act of terror an act of terror.

The fuck is going on with people when they can’t even call a spade a spade?

If you happen to run across this lad, be sure to call the authorities.


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