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No Breaks in Trading

Let’s say you’re going through a rut and have really been sucking lately, unable to master the pivots and identify breakouts. Should you stop trading, ‘clear your mind’, and come back after an extended break?

The answer is and always will be NO, a very hard no.

When you were a boy and slumped at bat, did you stop playing baseball or did you work through it until you got into a groove again?

By “taking a break”, the only thing you’re achieving is disconnecting from the news flow and making it harder for you to plug in when you return. Whenever I got on vacation I always trade to stay in tune with things. If I am away for more than a few days I feel like the market is completely foreign and have to learn what’s what.

I’d argue your problems aren’t your mental state in need of rest, but your risk levels and process. Instead of clearing your head and coming back to repeat your same idiotic and retarded processes, why not work towards improving your methods?

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