18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Trend Day

After selling the morning spike I got FOMO by 10:15am and made my way right the fuck back into equities. See pal, that’s the type of person I am and you’re nothing. I stand before you +175bps in trading and +270bps in my automated quant. This is what you might call a “trend day”, when most important stocks go up.

This is also a good day to cull what is not moving higher in your portfolios. There isn’t enough time to wade through the bullshit. If you’re in the process of composing yourself in a manner befitting of a gentleman, you will, in fact, be treated as such.

If you go about your day sojourning in degeneracy and filth, penny stocks on margin, you will be treated as such and you’ll value yourself less than others, feeling inadequate in the shadow of giant, persons such as myself.

DO NOT BE FOOLED into thinking you cannot trade in a magnanimous manner, such as I. However possible, you need to separate yourselves from the chaff and the mentally insane. We have one human life; do not spend it in the confines of depravity, comporting with low level unskilled laborers whose daily highlight is to swig down a can (red fucking flag) of Tranheiser Bush.

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