18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,558 Blog Posts


I am 101% long, without hedges. On occasion I will apply risk to my portfolio in order to increase my alpha. It so happens that I am long CRM now into their miss and presiding over a lower share price in the after-hours. God willing, and I hope he is reading this blog, my other stocks can offset this minor tragedy taking place now.

I own an array, a pastiche even, of dog shit stocks accompanied by good stocks like CRM, which is KNIFING LOWER (by the way) in the AHs. I have been using my new option tools to identify plays and closed +36bps for the session.

It was a slow day and I had no positions up until 1pm, so the money I made was made in the late afternoon.

Here is the cope.

“WE” want markets to capsize and sink lower. But it’s not exactly happening at the present, so we beat on — backs against the current — fighting our inner desires and adjusting to the currents.

I’m a pirate now.

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  1. macpatton

    perhaps sailing would provide more insight than tennis… pirates

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  2. purdy

    From what movie is that pic?

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